[CP2K:6211] Error in compiling CP2K trunk version with PLUMED-2.1.1
Iain Bethune
ibet... at epcc.ed.ac.uk
Mon Mar 9 14:54:50 UTC 2015
I think you might need to add -lmpi_cxx to LIBS as well (for the C++ MPI interface, which is in a separate library with OpenMPI), and also -lrt (for the clock_gettime) call.
Hope that should do the trick!
- Iain
Iain Bethune
Project Manager, EPCC
Email: ibet... at epcc.ed.ac.uk
Twitter: @IainBethune
Web: http://www2.epcc.ed.ac.uk/~ibethune
Tel/Fax: +44 (0)131 650 5201/6555
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Addr: 2404 JCMB, The King's Buildings, Peter Guthrie Tait Road, Edinburgh, EH9 3FD
> On 9 Mar 2015, at 14:46, Hang Xiao <xiaoh... at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Iain,
> Thank you for your help.
> I have modified Arch file in the way you mentioned:
> # CP2K 2.6 Tested with: GFortran 4.9.1, OPENMPI 1.6.5
> include /usr/local/lib/plumed/src/lib/Plumed.inc
> CC = cc
> CPP =
> FC = mpif90
> LD = mpif90
> AR = ar -r
> DFLAGS = -D__parallel -D__SCALAPACK -D__FFTW3 -D__PLUMED2
> FCFLAGS = $(DFLAGS) -ffree-form -O2 -ffast-math -march=opteron -cpp -g
> LIBS = -L/usr/lib -lscalapack-openmpi -lblacsF77init-openmpi -lblacs-openmpi -llapack -lblas -lfftw3 -lz -ldl -lstdc++
> OBJECTS_ARCHITECTURE = machine_gfortran.o
> But it still does not work. I have attached the output in attachment.
> Best,
> Hang
> PhD student
> Room 829, Mudd Building
> Department of Earth and Environmental Engineering
> Columbia University
> New York, NY, 10027
> --
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