ERRORL2 in topology:connectivity_control processor 0 err=-300 condition FAILED at line 319

marcolin... at marcolin... at
Wed Jul 29 14:45:19 UTC 2015

Dear All,
 I'm trying to run a QMMM simulation using the AMBER package and the DFT 
but I get the following error:


 *** 21:28:15 ERRORL2 in topology:connectivity_control processor 0  ***

 *** err=-300 condition FAILED at line 319                          ***


 ===== Routine Calling Stack ===== 

            6 connectivity_control

            5 topology_control

            4 fist_init

            3 fist_create_force_env

            2 qmmm_create_force_env

            1 CP2K

 CP2K| condition FAILED at line 319

 CP2K| Abnormal program termination, stopped by process number 0

 CP2K| condition FAILED at line 319

 CP2K| Abnormal program termination, stopped by process number 2

 CP2K| condition FAILED at line 319

 CP2K| Abnormal program termination, stopped by process number 5

 CP2K| condition FAILED at line 319
 CP2K| Abnormal program termination, stopped by process number 3  

Does anybody can help me?
The input (cp2k.inp) and the script to launch the simulation 
( are attached.

Best regards to all,
Marco Alfieri   
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