simulated annealing using CP2K

Geng Sun sungen... at
Tue Jul 28 00:53:30 UTC 2015


    Thanks ! that's very helpful. I will give it a try.

Geng Sun

2015-07-23 15:57 GMT+08:00 Janos... at <janos... at>:

> Dear Geng,
> It can be done by using the EXT_RESTART option and some simple input files.
> template: simple input file with EXT_RESTART from projectname-1.restart,
> restarting everything, and annealing parameter:
> Then, you can also use the SET and INCLUDE commands in three different
> inputs:
> heating.inp:
> @SET PAR 1.000001 #check the number for your needs
> @INCLUDE ./template
> const.inp
> @SET PAR 1.000000
> @INCLUDE ./template
> cooling.inp:
> @SET PAR 0.999999 #check the number for your needs
> @INCLUDE ./template
> then you simply write a script:
> #! /usr/bin/bash
> for i in {1..99999}; do  #again adjust to your needs
>   cp2k.popt const.inp >>out
>   cp2k.popt heating.inp >>out
>   cp2k.popt const.inp >>out
>   cp2k.popt cooling.inp >>out
> done
> You can set different simulation times by the SET command as well...
> If you want, you can set different project names for different
> temperatures as well, so you can have the different temperature structures
> in different xyz files. And it is also a good idea to set the temperature
> by @SET for the input files.
> HTH,
> Janos
> On Tuesday, July 14, 2015 at 10:28:37 AM UTC+2, Geng Sun wrote:
>> Hello CP2K users
>>       Could anyone give me some hints that how to do fix cell simulated
>> annealing to find the stable structures in CP2K ?
>> Thanks in advance !
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