Generating new blocksizes to LIBCUSMM

Abhishek Bagusetty abhishek... at
Fri Oct 24 11:38:07 UTC 2014

Hi Users & Developers,

I am trying to generate kernels for block sizes that are not default. I see 
that new kernels with block-sizes to generate are added to the 
/src/dbcsr_lib/cuda/libcusmm/ But what is unclear is that how 
one would generate the parameters for these user defined block-sizes in 
/src/dbcsr_lib/cuda/libcusmm/parameters.txt and add the cudakernels to

Can someone guide me through this process of adding new block sizes to 
libcusmm and generating kernels for the respective blocksizes. 

The version under usage is cp2k-2.5 and the documentation page seems to be 
bit outdated

Any pointers for this appreciated. 


Abhishek Bagusetty
PhD Student, Computational Modeling & Simulation
Center for Simulation and Modeling
Department of Chemical & Petroleum Engineering
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA - 15261
Office : 920 Benedum Hall
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