Error building libsmm

Alfio Lazzaro alfio.... at
Tue Oct 21 07:20:03 UTC 2014

OK, the files from tiny1 are generated correctly (6 columns is OK for the 
tiny1 files). The 9 columns are for the summary file generated during the 
tiny2 phase in the the main directory. Look inside the main directory 
(build_libsmm) for the file I suspect 
that this file has 3 columns (the first 3) in some lines (all lines must 
have 9 columns). BTW, if you hare using the default configuration for tiny1 
matrix dimensions, then you should have 13824 *out files inside 
build_libsmm/run_tiny_dnn/ You can check it by using

> ls *.out | wc -l

The same for the summary file:

> wc -l

We can have several possible errors:
1) some of the *.out files are missing or corrupted
2) the summary file is corrupted

Let me know what you get from this investigation. Likely the problem is in 
the summary file...


Il giorno lunedì 20 ottobre 2014 22:54:39 UTC+2, Abhishek Bagusetty ha 
> Hi Alfio,
> I have looked into the *.out files generated by the tiny1. I didn't see 9 
> columns in the *.out but instead 6 columns.
>    1   1   1   1    0.441932       2.263
>    1   1   1   7    0.242963       4.116
>    1   1  17   1    0.370944       2.696
>    1   3   1   1    0.249962       4.001
>    1   3   1   7    0.544917       1.835
>    1   5   1   1    0.267959       3.732
>    1  15   1   1    0.498925       2.004
>    2   1   1   1    0.441932       2.263
> This is the output from a file (tiny_find_xx_xx_xx.out) in 
> /build_libsmm/run_tiny_dnn/
> I have modified the pbs.wlm file by getting rid of few options like 
> -lmppwidth and -lmppnppn which were not defined in the PBS for our cluster. 
> I am not sure how to investigate further. Do you have any pointers on how 
> to approach this ?
> Thank for your time. 
> Abhishek 
> On Monday, October 20, 2014 12:41:23 AM UTC-4, Alfio Lazzaro wrote:
>> Hello Abhishek,
>> could you check if the tiny2 phase is properly producing the tiny file? I 
>> mean, the error you are seeing is that the system is not able to read the 
>> tiny results during the small1 phase.
>> The file should be something similar to:
>> 1 1 1    1   1   1   1    0.447362       0.447
>> 1 1 2    4   1   1   1    0.451188       0.887
>> 1 1 3    3   1   1   1    0.484057       1.240
>> 1 1 4    5   1   1   4    0.500210       1.599
>> 1 1 5    6   1   1   5    0.548113       1.824
>> 1 1 6    1   1   1   6    0.456724       2.190
>> As you can see there are 9 columns. If you see only 3 (the first three 
>> ones) then there is something wrong during tiny1.
>> The next step would be to investigate if the files *.out inside the tiny1 
>> directory and then output directory are correct (you can post an example of 
>> .out file).
>> Best regards,
>> Alfio
>> Il giorno domenica 19 ottobre 2014 22:03:42 UTC+2, Abhishek Bagusetty ha 
>> scritto:
>>> Hi Users & Developers,
>>> I am trying to build libsmm small matrix multiplication library and got 
>>> an error while doing the 3rd step.
>>> Steps : 
>>> 1. ./generate -c config/ -j 100 -t 16 -w pbs tiny1
>>> 2. ./generate -c config/ tiny2
>>> 3. ./generate -c config/ -j 20 -t 16 -w pbs small1
>>> multrec_gen.f90:267.29:
>>>      IF (ANY(best_square<1)) ERROR STOP "tiny opts file needs 
>>> sufficiently many
>>>                              1
>>> Error: Cannot assign to a named constant at (1)
>>> multrec_gen.f90:331.7:
>>>        ERROR STOP "MISSING CASE mult_versions"
>>>        1
>>> Error: Unclassifiable statement at (1)
>>> It would be great, if anyone has any pointers to get a fix on this 
>>> issue. 
>>> Thanks,
>>> Abhishek
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> -----------------------------------------------
>>> Abhishek Bagusetty
>>> PhD Student, Computational Modeling & Simulation
>>> Center for Simulation and Modeling
>>> Department of Chemical & Petroleum Engineering
>>> University of Pittsburgh
>>> Pittsburgh, PA - 15261
>>> Office : 920 Benedum Hall
>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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