[CP2K:5813] Compiling with hwloc

Ole Schütt o... at schuett.name
Wed Nov 12 10:43:22 UTC 2014

Hi Vedran,

I just add a second bunch of dummy-function to machine_architecture.F . 
Hopefully, all USE statements are now in place. Unfortunately, I can't test 
this myself, because I currently don't have this HW-lib installed.


On Tuesday, November 11, 2014 10:04:48 PM UTC+1, Vedran Miletić wrote:
> Hello again,
> patch at [1] is not the cleanest solution, but it fixes the build problem. 
> To fix it in a nicer way, all functions and subroutines in the file should 
> be restructured in style of those that are already public. I propose we go 
> with [1] for now and fix it in a cleaner way at later point.
> Regards,
> Vedran
> [1] 
> https://bitbucket.org/infuniri/cp2k-doc-fixes/commits/6f6b40fa7fe411a4dee87dc8cf5706584ff1c7b9
> Dana utorak, 11. studenoga 2014. 10:55:13 UTC+1, korisnik Vedran Miletić 
> napisao je:
>> This seems to break non-hwloc build. Let me come up with a better patch 
>> later today.
>> Regards,
>> Vedran
>> Dana utorak, 11. studenoga 2014. 09:18:25 UTC+1, korisnik Vedran Miletić 
>> napisao je:
>>> Hello Ole, Christiane,
>>> I tried it again after Ole's patch, and I got it to compile after minor 
>>> changes [1]. Upon running, I get:
>>> $ ./cp2k.popt
>>>  ERROR: At least one command line argument must be specified
>>> Program received signal SIGFPE: Floating-point exception - erroneous 
>>> arithmetic operation.
>>> Backtrace for this error:
>>> #0  0x7FBF63E31407
>>> #1  0x7FBF63E31A1E
>>> #2  0x7FBF6333D17F
>>> #3  0x1C4770E in hw_topology_init at ma_hwloc.c:161
>>> #4  0x1C38AF8 in __machine_architecture_MOD_ma_init_machine at 
>>> machine_architecture.F:558
>>> #5  0xA1E0D1 in __cp_ma_interface_MOD_cp_ma_init_lib at 
>>> cp_ma_interface.F:872
>>> #6  0x783DDE in __f77_interface_MOD_init_cp2k at f77_interface.F:289
>>> #7  0x408E4A in cp2k at cp2k.F:225
>>> Floating point exception
>>> I will take a look what is going on later today to see if this is just 
>>> an issue on my side or a bug somewhere. Thanks for your help.
>>> Regards,
>>> Vedran
>>> [1] 
>>> https://bitbucket.org/infuniri/cp2k-doc-fixes/commits/64d9b6cf75a057fe9e1cd55325112900036b7655
>>> Dana četvrtak, 6. studenoga 2014. 15:23:21 UTC+1, korisnik Ole Schütt 
>>> napisao je:
>>>> Hi Vedran,
>>>> the compilation problems are cause by missing USE-statements. I just committed a fix to svn.
>>>> Btw, the HWTOPO flag got removed from the Makefile. Things should work without it.
>>>> -Ole
>>>> On Thursday, November 6, 2014 11:48:25 AM UTC+1, Vedran Miletić wrote:
>>>>> Hello Christiane,
>>>>> thank you for your response. I tried this approach, but unfortunately 
>>>>> I get the same error. Do you have any other idea I can try?
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Vedran
>>>>> Dana srijeda, 5. studenoga 2014. 08:03:03 UTC+1, korisnik Christiane 
>>>>> Pousa Ribeiro napisao je:
>>>>>> Dear Vedran,
>>>>>> Could you please add the line bellow to your arch file and give a try?
>>>>>> HWTOPO   = yes
>>>>>> You should include too the -I/usr/include/hwloc.
>>>>>> Best regards, 
>>>>>> On Tue, Nov 4, 2014 at 10:34 PM, Vedran Miletić <riv... at gmail.com> 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>> I'm trying to compile CP2K with hwloc support enabled. I'm using 
>>>>>>> Debian testing with gfortran 4.9. My arch file is:
>>>>>>> CC       = mpicc
>>>>>>> CPP      =
>>>>>>> FC       = mpif90
>>>>>>> LD       = gfortran
>>>>>>> AR       = ar -r
>>>>>>> DFLAGS   = -D__GFORTRAN -D__parallel -D__HWLOC -D__FFTSG -D__FFTW3 
>>>>>>> CPPFLAGS = -C -traditional $(DFLAGS)
>>>>>>> FCFLAGS  = -g -Wall -O3 -ffast-math -funroll-loops -ftree-vectorize 
>>>>>>> -ffree-form -ffree-line-length-none $(DFLAGS) -I/usr/include/elpa/modules
>>>>>>> LDFLAGS  = $(FCFLAGS) 
>>>>>>> LIBS     = -llapack -lblas -lfftw3 -lint -lderiv -lxc -lhwloc -lmpi 
>>>>>>> -lmpif90 -lmpif77 -lblacsCinit-openmpi -lblacs-openmpi -lscalapack-openmpi 
>>>>>>> -lelpa
>>>>>>> Upon compiling, I get:
>>>>>>>      cardId = ma_get_netDev(my_info%core, my_info%mp_info%myproc)
>>>>>>>               1
>>>>>>> Error: Function 'ma_get_netdev' at (1) has no IMPLICIT type
>>>>>>> /home/vedranm/workspace/cp2k.git/cp2k/src/ma/ma_affinity.F:1041.8:
>>>>>>>    IF ( ma_get_nnetDev(node) .GT. 0 ) THEN
>>>>>>>         1
>>>>>>> Error: Function 'ma_get_nnetdev' at (1) has no IMPLICIT type
>>>>>>> /home/vedranm/workspace/cp2k.git/cp2k/src/ma/ma_affinity.F:1044.12:
>>>>>>>      node = ma_get_node_netDev()
>>>>>>>             1
>>>>>>> Error: Function 'ma_get_node_netdev' at (1) has no IMPLICIT type
>>>>>>> /home/vedranm/workspace/cp2k.git/cp2k/src/ma/ma_affinity.F:937.39:
>>>>>>>   my_info%threads_info(id+1)%id_real = ma_get_thread_id()
>>>>>>>                                        1
>>>>>>> Error: Function 'ma_get_thread_id' at (1) has no IMPLICIT type
>>>>>>> /home/vedranm/workspace/cp2k.git/cp2k/src/ma/ma_affinity.F:744.14:
>>>>>>>     my_node = ma_get_core_node(my_core)
>>>>>>>               1
>>>>>>> Error: Function 'ma_get_core_node' at (1) has no IMPLICIT type
>>>>>>> /home/vedranm/workspace/cp2k.git/cp2k/src/ma/ma_affinity.F:693.41:
>>>>>>>     my_info%threads_info(id+1)%id_real = ma_get_thread_id()
>>>>>>>                                          1
>>>>>>> Error: Function 'ma_get_thread_id' at (1) has no IMPLICIT type
>>>>>>> /home/vedranm/workspace/cp2k.git/cp2k/src/ma/ma_affinity.F:628.41:
>>>>>>>     my_info%threads_info(id+1)%id_real = ma_get_thread_id()
>>>>>>>                                          1
>>>>>>> Error: Function 'ma_get_thread_id' at (1) has no IMPLICIT type
>>>>>>> mpif90 -c -g -Wall -O3 -ffast-math -funroll-loops -ftree-vectorize 
>>>>>>> -ffree-form -ffree-line-length-none -D__GFORTRAN -D__parallel -D__HWLOC 
>>>>>>> -I/usr/lib/openmpi/include/openmpi/opal/mca/hwloc/ 
>>>>>>> -I/usr/include/elpa/modules 
>>>>>>> -D__COMPILE_ARCH="\"Linux-x86-64-debian-gfortran\"" -D__COMPILE_DATE="\"Uto 
>>>>>>> Stu  4 22:28:09 CET 2014\"" -D__COMPILE_HOST="\"akston\"" 
>>>>>>> -D__COMPILE_REVISION="\"git:eb7b195\"" -D__SHORT_FILE__="\"cp_files.F\"" 
>>>>>>> /home/vedranm/workspace/cp2k.git/cp2k/src/common/cp_files.F 
>>>>>>> /home/vedranm/workspace/cp2k.git/cp2k/src/ma/ma_affinity.F:528.38:
>>>>>>>     my_info%threads_info(id+1)%node = ma_get_core_node(core)
>>>>>>>                                       1
>>>>>>> Error: Function 'ma_get_core_node' at (1) has no IMPLICIT type
>>>>>>> /home/vedranm/workspace/cp2k.git/cp2k/src/ma/ma_affinity.F:530.41:
>>>>>>>     my_info%threads_info(id+1)%id_real = ma_get_thread_id()
>>>>>>>                                          1
>>>>>>> Error: Function 'ma_get_thread_id' at (1) has no IMPLICIT type
>>>>>>> /home/vedranm/workspace/cp2k.git/cp2k/src/ma/ma_affinity.F:454.41:
>>>>>>>     my_info%threads_info(id+1)%id_real = ma_get_thread_id()
>>>>>>>                                          1
>>>>>>> Error: Function 'ma_get_thread_id' at (1) has no IMPLICIT type
>>>>>>> /home/vedranm/workspace/cp2k.git/cp2k/src/ma/ma_affinity.F:376.41:
>>>>>>>     my_info%threads_info(id+1)%id_real = ma_get_thread_id()
>>>>>>>                                          1
>>>>>>> Error: Function 'ma_get_thread_id' at (1) has no IMPLICIT type
>>>>>>> /home/vedranm/workspace/cp2k.git/cp2k/src/ma/ma_affinity.F:316.39:
>>>>>>>   my_info%threads_info(id+1)%id_real = ma_get_thread_id()
>>>>>>>                                        1
>>>>>>> Error: Function 'ma_get_thread_id' at (1) has no IMPLICIT type
>>>>>>> /home/vedranm/workspace/cp2k.git/cp2k/src/ma/ma_affinity.F:321.33:
>>>>>>>   my_info%threads_info(1)%node = ma_get_core_node(core)
>>>>>>>                                  1
>>>>>>> Error: Function 'ma_get_core_node' at (1) has no IMPLICIT type
>>>>>>> I tried adding -I/usr/include/hwloc and 
>>>>>>> -I/usr/lib/openmpi/include/openmpi/opal/mca/hwloc but it made no change. 
>>>>>>> Any ideas?
>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>> Vedran Miletić
>>>>>>> -- 
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>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>> []'s
>>>>>> Christiane Pousa Ribeiro
>>>>>> "Judge a man by his questions, rather than by his answers" 
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