Installing CP2K in my local machine

Athmane BAKHTA athmane... at
Mon May 26 09:20:47 UTC 2014

  Dear CP2K users, 

 I'm a master student , currently intern , working on acceleratinf 
molecular dynamics, 

 I need to use cp2k and implement a new method in it .I would like to 
install it in my local machine (Linux x86_64).

  I installed successfully the FFTW.3.3.4 , BLAS and LAPACK  librairies
but when I   

make -j 1 ARCH=Linux-x86-64-gfortran VERSION=sopt 

I get the following error: 

gfortran: error: /fftw/3.3-gnu/lib64/libfftw3.a: Aucun fichier ou dossier 
de ce type     ( i.e no such file or directory) 

 I d'ont know if the problem comes from the version 3.3.4 ? what should I 
do ? 

 thank you in advance adn very much for your help.


Athmane BAKHTA

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