[CP2K:4730] Cp2k compiled but some test files fail

Alin Marin Elena alinm... at gmail.com
Thu Oct 24 19:03:47 UTC 2013

> What I can say is that with ifort 14.0.0, mkl 11.1 and impi we
> have been able to successfully regtest sopt, popt and ssmp builds.  There
> are still some problems with psmp (MPI+OpenMP) that we are investigating.

Great Iain.. I do not know if it helps but I have managed to get it run psmp with 
gfortran 4.3 mkl 11.1 and impi
I did not do a full regtesting  yet.. just some tests I knew the results in advance.


​Without Questions there are no Answers!
Dr. Alin Marin ELENA

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