[CP2K:4264] missing variable in OpenMP clause?

Iain Bethune ibet... at epcc.ed.ac.uk
Wed Jan 23 09:03:41 UTC 2013

Thanks Alfio,

Those issues are now fixed in svn trunk.

The threadprivate issue is a bit ambiguous in the standard (and gfortran does not complain), so I've moved it after the declarations.

- Iain


Iain Bethune
Project Manager, EPCC

Email: ibet... at epcc.ed.ac.uk
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On 22 Jan 2013, at 15:09, Alfio Lazzaro wrote:

> I'm trying to compile the CP2K trunk (revision 12663) with the Intel compiler and OpenMP.
> I get an error
> error #6752: Since the OpenMP* DEFAULT(NONE) clause applies, the PRIVATE, SHARED, REDUCTION, FIRSTPRIVATE, or LASTPRIVATE attribute must be explicitly specified for every variable.   [CNT] 
> in the file pw_methods.F. There are 3 offending lines, which are like this one:
> !$omp parallel do private (ig,arg) default(none) shared(sf,r)
>        DO ig = 1, cnt
> The compiler complains that we need to add cnt in shared (?) since the default(none) is applied...
> I found another problem also in the file d3_poly.F. The offending part is:
> !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(module_initialized,a_mono_exp2,a_mono_exp3,a_reduce_idx3,a_deriv_idx3,a_mono_mult2,a_mono_mult3,a_mono_mult3a
>     LOGICAL, SAVE, PRIVATE :: module_initialized=.FALSE.
>     INTEGER, SAVE, DIMENSION(2,cached_dim2) :: a_mono_exp2
>     INTEGER, SAVE, DIMENSION(3,cached_dim3) :: a_mono_exp3
>     INTEGER, SAVE, DIMENSION(cached_dim3)   :: a_reduce_idx3
>     INTEGER, SAVE, DIMENSION(3,cached_dim3) :: a_deriv_idx3
>     INTEGER, SAVE, DIMENSION(cached_dim2,cached_dim2) :: a_mono_mult2
>     INTEGER, SAVE, DIMENSION(cached_dim3,cached_dim3) :: a_mono_mult3
>     INTEGER, SAVE, DIMENSION(4,cached_dim3) :: a_mono_mult3a
> If I'm not wrong, the OMP THREADPRIVATE should be after the declaration of the variables.
> Alfio
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