Electrostatic potential written in cube file

labicia lab... at yahoo.it
Fri Apr 26 11:44:34 UTC 2013

Dear CP2K users,
we are interested in using both the Electrostatic potential and Efield cube 
files generated by CP2K.

After looking at the source code we understood the following:
1) both Electrostatic potential and Efield are computed on the points of 
the pw grid;
2) then the computed values are written in the cube file always starting 
from the one computed on the first pw grid point, skipping the intermediate 
pw grid points values according to the stride
3) striding with 1 1 1 means to take all possible Electrostaic potential 
and Efield values

Is this correct?
Does the first point of the pw grid correspond to coordinates (0.0, 0.0, 
0.0) in real space (the simulation box origin)?
Why is the default stride 2 2 2 (which means, according to the above 
observations, using only half of the available information), is it a matter 
of saving disk space?

Thanks a lot,
Marco and Andrea
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