jjf_... at yahoo.com.cn jjf_... at yahoo.com.cn
Fri Nov 9 16:41:08 UTC 2012

Hi, energy one, I want compile a mpi+openmp cp2k with mvapich2, mkl, ifort.
The mvapich2 configure is as following.

./configure --enable-f77 --prefix=/opt/mvapich2-1.8.1  --disable-mcast 
--with-ib-include=/usr/include/infiniband --with-ib-libpath=/usr/lib64 
--enable-threads=multiple --enable-threads=funneled

I can compile the code smoothly and get cp2k.psmp. However, when running, 
It give me a error as following,

 MPI error 0 in MPI library does not support the requested level of 

It seems that the MPI_THREAD_FUNNELED is not supported by mvapich2, isn't 
it? But why in the configure of mvapich2 have the option of  

Anybody any idea?

Jianfeng Jia
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