[CP2K:3234] status of hybrid OpenMP+MPI version

Axel akoh... at gmail.com
Mon May 9 16:34:05 UTC 2011

hi urban,

hmmm... interesting.
was this the very latest cvs code?
it almost looked to me as if there were some 
mpi calls within a multi-threaded region that 
were messing things up...

also, can you comment on what these two defines are for?
 -D__USE_CP2K_TRACE -D__HAS_smm_dnn 

this one is a bit of a surprise, since already gfortran 4.3.x claims to be 
OpenMP 3 compliant.

as far as threaded libraries go. what about MKL?
last thing a remember is that it would not go multi-threaded
if it is called from within an OpenMP multi-threaded region,
but that may be wishful thinking...

in any case, i'll give it a try.

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