ERROR in check_subsys_element (MODULE topology_util)

jadefox337 jadef... at
Tue Aug 16 00:46:22 UTC 2011

One more detail: I have tried various configuration of my input and
sometimes the *btr file created contains the following:

cp2k.popt_2.2.163:31074 terminated with signal 11 at PC=117df9a
SP=7fff73ac6dd0.  Backtrace:

On Aug 15, 3:22 pm, jadefox337 <jadef... at> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am running a standard geometric optimization, except that I am
> placing an optimized group of HCl + 4 water on a sugar.  The optimized
> group is in fact ionized HCl that turned into Hydronium+, Cl- and some
> water.  The program fails with the following  (where 59 is the index
> of the H of the original HCl and which is now connected to a water):
> __________________
>  ************************************************************
>  *** ERROR in check_subsys_element (MODULE topology_util) ***
>  ************************************************************
>  ***  Unknown element for KIND <59>. This problem can be fixed
> specifying ***
>  *** properly elements in PDB or specifying a KIND section or getting
> in  ***
>  *** touch with one of  the
> developers!                                   ***
> __________________________________________
> Does anyone have any idea how to fix this problem without actually
> moving the H near the Cl (which by the way I did already, and caused
> to crash without error explanation - some *btd files were created).
> I can supply input if needed.
> Thanks much,
> Madeleine

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