[CP2K:2375] call graph

Toon Verstraelen Toon.Ver... at UGent.be
Wed Nov 4 08:05:04 UTC 2009


Here is an update. This script has a few new features:
1) select routines based on the contents, not only the name (purple vertices are selected 
based on their name, orange vertices are selected based on their contents)
2) subgraphs that contain all routines belonging to a set of modules
3) additional tools to cut away parts that are not relevant.

This is the way to run the script (in the cp2k root dir)
gunzip call_graph.py.gz
./call_graph.py src/*.F
Example output is attached.



Toon Verstraelen wrote:
> Hi,
> I've made a small script to generate call graphs based on the source code of CP2K. There 
> are several filters to reduce the complexity of the graph. I've also attached an example 
> that shows how all routines related to improper torsion are called. It is pretty 
> instructive for us and I hope it can be useful for others on the list. Any suggestion for 
> improvements are welcome. I'm mainly looking for tricks to let graphviz generate prettier 
> output. (less crossing arrows)
> cheers,
> Toon

Dr. ir. Toon Verstraelen
Center for Molecular Modeling
Ghent University
Technologiepark 903,
B9052 Zwijnaarde
Tel: +32 9 264 65 56
E-mail: Toon.Ver... at UGent.be
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