[CP2K:2091] Re: ASE calculator and python in general

Nguyen Ngoc Ha ha... at hnue.edu.vn
Mon May 25 13:06:50 UTC 2009

Dear Fawzi & Ondrej
That's great, I'm waiting for this interface. I'm using ASE for some codes,
it helps me a lot to save time for preparing input files and calculating. I
know Fortran but I don't know Python language.
Please let us know if you finish the plan.
Thank you so much.

Nguyen, Ngoc Ha
Hanoi National University of Education
Faculty of Chemistry
Department of Physical Chemistry
Tel: Office: 04/38330842
Home: 04/37891674
Mobile: 0989133436
E-mai... at hnue.edu.vn <E-mail... at hnue.edu.vn>
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