[CP2K:2071] Re: BerliOS bug tracker

Teodoro Laino teodor... at gmail.com
Tue May 12 19:23:13 UTC 2009


Thanks for offering your time! You can't imagine how we do appreciate that!
I really cannot  find any  argument to answer your statements. I share 
all of your points, and it's quite incredible that we were able to 
arrive so far without a working bug tracker.
Therefore, since you offered your time and help, you're promoted to be 
administrator of the bug tracker on berliOS.
You can start right now:

Please subscribe to berliOS and join the CP2K project. You can take care 
of the bug issues and dispatch them
appropriately. There's already one on the list which is waiting since 
quite some time.
I'm not sure that, that bug is still a bug but you'd better check and in 
case assign it to the right person.

Welcome in the CP2K community!
It's with people like you that CP2K can go on..
Thanks again being so responsive to the Axel's help request!


p.s.: if you have any problem or question, please, feel free to write 
directly to me.

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