[CP2K:1395] Re: EMAX_SPLINE too small

Laino Teodoro teodor... at gmail.com
Thu Oct 2 13:57:06 UTC 2008


it would be highly appreciated if you would attach the files instead  
of embedding them in the message..
This will save few seconds per day to  people that may want to help  
you..  (keep in mind that if you want an answer,
since if you'llget an answer you will get it for free..)

I tried to run your input file and it is working for me.. I did 300  
steps with no errors.
both in serial and in parallel (4 procs).

Please report the exact conditions of your execution!

where did you add the keyword DISTRIBUTION_TYPE? can you show us?
switching to distribution REPLICATED should anyway solve your problem.
If not you may have a problem with your compiler and or mpi.

and more important.. are you using an updated CP2K version???


On 2 Oct 2008, at 15:42, salah wrote:

> Hi,
> I changed the forcefield completely and things are working now, I
> guess there was something wrong with those parameters !!!!
> anyway, I used another set of parameters and I got this:
> #################################
> *
>  *** ERROR in rs_pw_transfer_distributed 0032 0027 0045 0001 0001
> 0008       ***
>  ***  -0.0000000000001705       0.0000000000000568
> 0.0000000000002274  ***
>  *
>  *** Please report this bug... quick workaround: use
>  ***
> REPLICATED                                                         ***
>  ===== Routine Calling Stack =====
>             7 rs_pw_transfer_RS2PW_10
>             6 rs_pw_transfer
>             5 spme_evaluate
>             4 fist_force_control
>             3 velocity_verlet
>             2 qs_mol_dyn_low
>             1 CP2K
> #######################################
> I've tried to workaround as advised in the output message but the
> result is the same.
> any hint ?????
> thanks in advance
> salah

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