[CP2K:1288] g95 runtime errors

Ondrej Marsalek ondrej.... at gmail.com
Fri Aug 15 20:27:46 UTC 2008


On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 12:26, Matt <obfis... at gmail.com> wrote:
> section%repeats is not associated (around line 146)
> section_vals_parse in input_parsing.F
> called by create_cp2k_input_reading in input_cp2k.F
> called by cp2k_run in cp2k_runs.F
> Looking through the Group, this problem hasn't been encountered before
> (seems like g95 is usually stable after it's compiled).  Has anyone
> seen anything like it or can give me a clue to what's going on?

i do not have any details, as i did not have enough time to
investigate it, but i believe i have met the same problem. it happened
with the snapshot of g95 from 21. 7. and it went away when i used an
older snapshot (19. 6., i think). this one had a different problem
with parsing the -I option with absolute paths, but i was able to work
around that. it seems from the changelog that this problem is solved
in the current version. i do not know about the original problem,

ondrej marsalek

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