[CP2K:37] Wrapping cp2k

Juerg Hutter hut... at pci.uzh.ch
Fri May 4 16:47:03 UTC 2007


it is implemented, see


GEMC = Gibbs Ensemble Monte Carlo

For published applications see

  McGrath MJ, Siepmann JI, Kuo IFW, et al.
Simulating fluid-phase equilibria of water from first principles
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A 110 (2): 640-646 JAN 19 2006

  McGrath MJ, Siepmann JI, Kuo IFW, et al.
Vapor-liquid equilibria of water from first principles: comparison of 
density functionals and basis sets
MOLECULAR PHYSICS 104 (22-24): 3619-3626 NOV-DEC 2006

It should now work with most methods (Fist/KG/QS), but
Matt can certainly give you more information.

If you still want to use an external wrapper you can use
the F77 interface to CP2K by Fawzi.

best regards


Juerg Hutter                   Phone : ++41 44 635 4491
Physical Chemistry Institute   FAX   : ++41 44 635 6838
University of Zurich           E-mail: hut... at pci.uzh.ch
Winterthurerstrasse 190
CH-8057 Zurich, Switzerland

On Fri, 4 May 2007, Toon wrote:

> Hi,
> I would be interested in using the Gibbs ensemble technique of
> Panagiotopoulus to study first order phase transitions with cp2k. I
> have no clear idea of what the mc capabilities in cp2k are, but as far
> as I can see, the Gibbs ensemble is not implemented. Instead of adding
> yet more lines of code that implement such a feature, I would like to
> consider another option.
> Would it be difficult to let cp2k read coordinates (, velocities, cell
> parameters, changes in connectivity, added molecules, removed
> molecules, ...) for each time step from the stdin, and let it
> calculate on the fly the corresponding energy, gradient, temperature,
> virial, pressure, ...? This would make it easy to move the md/mc part
> to an external program which would offer many advantages:
> * The external program does not have to be written in the most
> efficient way, because it is only doing a minor part of the
> computational job. It could be any high level scripting language with
> a good array support (e.g. python with numpy). This would hugely
> facilitate the implementation of complex MC/MD/Whatever schemes and it
> offers a flexibility that can never be obtained with any kind of input
> file syntax.
> * The external program could feed more than one cp2k program at the
> same time, which is particularly useful for the Gibbs ensemble
> technique.
> * Moving parts of cp2k (in this case the motion part) to a higher
> level language is in general good idea since the same algorithm in a
> higher level language counts less lines. (read: less bugs, easier to
> maintain, platform independent, no compiler misery.)
> The implementation should not modify anything to the existing code, it
> only adds a new RUN_TYPE. The external program could still call cp2k
> with a conventional input file, but with RUN_TYPE set to 'IO' or
> something similar. This should imply that cp2k reads the
> configurational changes from the input and writes the energy-related
> information to the output, with a well-defined and compact protocol.
> This protocol should somehow be flexible towards future extensions,
> without becoming a bottleneck.
> What do you think of this idea? To make things easier, you are invited
> to reply, quoting one of the following lines, followed by your
> comments:
> * Good idea, I'll implemented this right now.
> * Good idea, but do it yourselves. We would be happy to include your
> contributions in the main code once it works.
> * Good idea, but do it yourselves and it might take a very long time
> before this will be a part of cp2k.
> * Bad idea. :-(
> have a nice weekend,
> Toon
> >

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