<p>Dear CP2K Users,</p><p>I am a beginner in CP2K and seeking guidance for obtaining the equilibrium orientation of a molecule interacting with a substrate surface. Based on my understanding, simulated annealing seems like a suitable approach for this problem.</p><p>From the literature and discussions in this group, I understand that the system is typically heated to a target temperature, then gradually cooled down, followed by an equilibration run. To my knowledge, there are two common methods for performing the heating and cooling steps:</p><p><strong>Method 1:</strong></p><ul><li>Perform NVT simulations incrementally, heating the system to higher temperatures (e.g., 300 K → 500 K → 700 K).</li><li>Then cool the system down gradually through a series of NVT runs (e.g., 600 K → 500 K → 400 K → 300 K).</li></ul><p><strong>Method 2:</strong></p><ul><li>Use the TEMPERATURE_ANNEALING and ANNEALING tags under Langevin Dynamics to automate the heating and cooling process.</li></ul><p>I would like to know whether this approach is correct and which method would be more suitable for my purpose. Any corrections, suggestions, or best practices would be highly appreciated!</p><p>Thank you in advance for your help.</p><p>Best regards,</p><p>Rishikanta</p>
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