Dear CP2K community,<div>I am trying to run an DFT-MD simulation of a system containing a metal slab efficiently in parallel. I observed a strong loss of efficiency when going from 32cpu to 128cpu (full node on my system) and no speedup at all when going from 128cpu to 256cpu (i.e., 2 nodes). When going to 2 nodes, the timings seem to be dominated by cp_fm_redistribute_end (I will post all timings below). I tried using OMP parallelization on top of the MPI parallelization with a few OMP threads, but that made things worse. I also checked whether I could find benchmark tests for diag online, but could find none, so I do not know what to expect. Therefore, I have 2 questions: </div><div>1) Is this behavior expected (in view of the fact that I am using diagonalization and not OT) or may this an issue of our compilation?</div><div>2) Is there an obvious fix for the issue (e.g., use ELPA, or whatever else)?</div><div>Thank you for your help and best regards,</div><div>Katharina</div><div><br /></div><div> - T I M I N G 256 cpu (2 nodes) -<br /> - -<br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> SUBROUTINE CALLS ASD SELF TIME TOTAL TIME<br /> MAXIMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM<br /> CP2K 1 1.0 0.043 0.204 2676.141 2676.163<br /> qs_mol_dyn_low 1 2.0 0.006 0.008 2675.630 2675.692<br /> qs_forces 21 4.0 0.007 0.009 2674.790 2674.812<br /> qs_energies 21 5.0 0.003 0.004 2648.558 2648.605<br /> scf_env_do_scf 21 6.0 0.003 0.004 2599.728 2602.333<br /> scf_env_do_scf_inner_loop 875 6.9 0.043 1.347 2599.678 2602.284<br /> velocity_verlet 20 3.0 0.007 0.009 2418.820 2418.843<br /> qs_scf_new_mos 875 7.9 0.018 0.022 2160.453 2162.360<br /> eigensolver 875 8.9 0.096 0.267 2095.414 2096.092<br /> cp_fm_syevd 895 10.0 0.015 0.025 1791.707 1795.858<br /> cp_fm_redistribute_end 895 11.0 1037.764 1785.744 1039.147 1786.479<br /> cp_fm_syevd_base 895 10.9 739.888 1759.452 739.888 1759.452<br /> cp_fm_triangular_multiply 2625 9.9 301.128 307.525 301.128 307.525<br /> rebuild_ks_matrix 896 8.8 0.006 0.008 248.047 248.107<br /> qs_ks_build_kohn_sham_matrix 896 9.8 0.177 0.233 248.041 248.102<br /> qs_ks_update_qs_env 875 7.9 0.023 0.029 241.842 241.902<br /> sum_up_and_integrate 896 10.8 0.207 0.444 177.563 177.730<br /> integrate_v_rspace 896 11.8 0.034 0.051 177.354 177.596<br /> qs_rho_update_rho_low 896 7.9 0.009 0.013 176.786 177.420<br /> calculate_rho_elec 896 8.9 0.162 0.220 176.778 177.411<br /> rs_pw_transfer 7252 12.3 0.146 0.182 131.353 136.114<br /> density_rs2pw 896 9.9 0.041 0.052 89.497 93.288<br /> potential_pw2rs 896 12.8 0.058 0.070 82.157 82.656<br /> grid_collocate_task_list 896 9.9 74.814 79.240 74.814 79.240<br /> grid_integrate_task_list 896 12.8 75.706 78.564 75.706 78.564<br /> pw_transfer 11627 11.8 1.017 1.215 71.773 73.106<br /> fft_wrap_pw1pw2 9835 12.8 0.090 0.116 70.237 71.712<br /> mp_sum_d 9316 10.4 29.648 70.131 29.648 70.131<br /> fft3d_ps 9835 14.8 5.802 8.028 65.284 66.546<br /> qs_vxc_create 896 10.8 0.023 0.040 57.095 57.943<br /> xc_vxc_pw_create 896 11.8 0.447 0.561 57.071 57.917<br /> mp_alltoall_z22v 9835 16.8 53.387 57.283 53.387 57.283<br /> mp_waitany 129318 14.3 42.683 56.101 42.683 56.101<br /> mp_alltoall_d11v 13495 12.2 50.528 55.324 50.528 55.324<br /> fft_wrap_pw1pw2_150 4459 13.1 1.760 2.222 53.418 54.942<br /> mp_waitall_1 1080708 14.5 42.790 54.894 42.790 54.894<br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /></div><div><br /></div><div>- T I M I N G 128cpu (1 node) -<br /> - -<br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> SUBROUTINE CALLS ASD SELF TIME TOTAL TIME<br /> MAXIMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM<br /> CP2K 1 1.0 0.030 0.032 3072.794 3072.814<br /> qs_mol_dyn_low 1 2.0 0.006 0.007 3072.442 3072.528<br /> qs_forces 21 4.0 0.006 0.008 3071.900 3071.921<br /> qs_energies 21 5.0 0.003 0.004 3024.241 3024.317<br /> scf_env_do_scf 21 6.0 0.004 0.006 2969.550 2971.818<br /> scf_env_do_scf_inner_loop 875 6.9 0.047 0.532 2969.499 2971.766<br /> velocity_verlet 20 3.0 0.006 0.008 2794.534 2794.562<br /> qs_scf_new_mos 875 7.9 0.023 0.028 2271.468 2273.627<br /> eigensolver 875 8.9 0.095 0.206 2185.491 2186.709<br /> cp_fm_syevd 895 10.0 0.020 0.031 1767.954 1770.227<br /> cp_fm_redistribute_end 895 11.0 286.821 1759.007 288.074 1759.686<br /> cp_fm_syevd_base 895 10.9 1465.425 1740.700 1465.425 1740.700<br /> cp_fm_triangular_multiply 2625 9.9 410.654 416.288 410.654 416.288<br /> rebuild_ks_matrix 896 8.8 0.008 0.010 361.723 362.634<br /> qs_ks_build_kohn_sham_matrix 896 9.8 0.188 0.243 361.716 362.627<br /> qs_ks_update_qs_env 875 7.9 0.024 0.035 345.631 346.530<br /> qs_rho_update_rho_low 896 7.9 0.011 0.020 319.796 320.976<br /> calculate_rho_elec 896 8.9 0.281 0.443 319.785 320.964<br /> sum_up_and_integrate 896 10.8 0.543 0.936 261.772 262.746<br /> integrate_v_rspace 896 11.8 0.037 0.048 261.227 262.364<br /> rs_pw_transfer 7252 12.3 0.140 0.161 208.866 216.256<br /> density_rs2pw 896 9.9 0.045 0.055 163.812 170.509<br /> grid_integrate_task_list 896 12.8 148.592 155.403 148.592 155.403<br /> grid_collocate_task_list 896 9.9 140.797 144.515 140.797 144.515<br /> mp_waitany 89824 14.3 124.591 134.833 124.591 134.833<br /> rs_pw_transfer_RS2PW_150 938 11.9 17.719 20.395 113.331 121.388<br /> potential_pw2rs 896 12.8 0.068 0.077 89.497 90.026<br /> qs_vxc_create 896 10.8 0.030 0.051 79.793 81.837<br /> xc_vxc_pw_create 896 11.8 0.725 0.982 79.764 81.813<br /> pw_transfer 11627 11.8 0.899 1.097 68.900 73.972<br /> fft_wrap_pw1pw2 9835 12.8 0.103 0.124 66.963 72.074<br /> fft_wrap_pw1pw2_150 4459 13.1 4.627 5.429 55.447 62.287<br /> mp_alltoall_d11v 13495 12.2 51.004 61.546 51.004 61.546<br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /></div><div><br /></div><div>- T I M I N G 32cpu (1/4 of a node) -<br /> - -<br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> SUBROUTINE CALLS ASD SELF TIME TOTAL TIME<br /> MAXIMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM<br /> CP2K 1 1.0 0.019 0.027 9152.866 9152.875<br /> qs_mol_dyn_low 1 2.0 0.004 0.004 9152.558 9152.567<br /> qs_forces 21 4.0 0.005 0.006 9152.148 9152.157<br /> qs_energies 21 5.0 0.003 0.003 9047.928 9047.996<br /> scf_env_do_scf 21 6.0 0.003 0.006 8925.472 8925.721<br /> scf_env_do_scf_inner_loop 875 6.9 0.058 0.394 8925.423 8925.670<br /> velocity_verlet 20 3.0 0.003 0.004 8295.142 8295.162<br /> qs_scf_new_mos 875 7.9 0.029 0.036 7036.433 7041.080<br /> eigensolver 875 8.9 0.091 0.135 6743.683 6746.404<br /> cp_fm_syevd 895 10.0 0.030 0.042 5143.201 5145.910<br /> cp_fm_syevd_base 895 10.9 5142.498 5145.756 5142.498 5145.756<br /> cp_fm_triangular_multiply 2625 9.9 1559.272 1568.419 1559.272 1568.419<br /> rebuild_ks_matrix 896 8.8 0.007 0.008 1019.477 1020.322<br /> qs_ks_build_kohn_sham_matrix 896 9.8 0.173 0.238 1019.470 1020.316<br /> qs_ks_update_qs_env 875 7.9 0.011 0.017 991.115 991.962<br /> sum_up_and_integrate 896 10.8 2.655 2.858 738.316 739.290<br /> integrate_v_rspace 896 11.8 0.044 0.051 735.658 736.910<br /> qs_rho_update_rho_low 896 7.9 0.009 0.011 723.261 723.903<br /> calculate_rho_elec 896 8.9 0.999 1.064 723.252 723.894<br /> grid_integrate_task_list 896 12.8 537.672 550.615 537.672 550.615<br /> grid_collocate_task_list 896 9.9 485.059 489.036 485.059 489.036<br /> pw_transfer 11627 11.8 0.912 1.071 286.851 294.441<br /> fft_wrap_pw1pw2 9835 12.8 0.129 0.145 275.251 282.867<br /> fft_wrap_pw1pw2_150 4459 13.1 27.356 28.582 256.292 266.093<br /> density_rs2pw 896 9.9 0.055 0.061 218.157 223.442<br /> rs_pw_transfer 7252 12.3 0.168 0.187 208.620 214.139<br /> fft3d_ps 9835 14.8 127.773 133.888 194.643 207.229<br /> calculate_dm_sparse 895 8.9 0.181 0.222 186.857 191.068<br /> cp_dbcsr_plus_fm_fm_t_native 916 9.9 0.063 0.073 186.139 190.766<br /> qs_vxc_create 896 10.8 0.029 0.036 182.589 186.938<br /> xc_vxc_pw_create 896 11.8 3.250 4.661 182.560 186.906<br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /></div><div><br /></div>
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