pure nitrogen system, the following is my paraments, what i should try?
I would appreciate it if you could answer for me.<div><br></div><div><br><div> &DFT<br> BASIS_SET_FILE_NAME BASIS_MOLOPT<br> POTENTIAL_FILE_NAME POTENTIAL<br> CHARGE -2 #Net charge<br> MULTIPLICITY 1 #Spin multiplicity<br> &QS<br> EPS_DEFAULT 1E-10 <br> &CDFT<br> TYPE_OF_CONSTRAINT BECKE<br> STRENGTH 0<br> TARGET 22 # let 2 net charge to be confined in the surface N<br> ATOMIC_CHARGES TRUE<br> &ATOM_GROUP<br> ATOMS 45..48 #four surface N</div><div> COEFF 1 1 1 1<br> CONSTRAINT_TYPE CHARGE<br> &END ATOM_GROUP<br> &OUTER_SCF ON<br> EPS_SCF 1.0e+0<br> TYPE CDFT_CONSTRAINT<br> OPTIMIZER BISECT<br> MAX_SCF 0<br> STEP_SIZE -0.01<br> &END OUTER_SCF<br> &BECKE_CONSTRAINT<br> CUTOFF_TYPE GLOBAL<br> &END BECKE_CONSTRAINT<br> &PROGRAM_RUN_INFO ON<br> &END PROGRAM_RUN_INFO<br> &END CDFT<br></div></div>
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