I am using ADBF-qmmm to simulate the interfacial reaction of carbonyl compounds. In the core region, a carbonyl compound and a hydrated ion are selected. Because the core region involves protons, with the continuous transfer of protons, the QM region becomes larger , and the amount of calculation is increasing. I set the maximum number of atoms in QM area to 200, but the calculation stopped midway with an error: add_new_label tried to add more atoms than allowed by &FORCE_MIXING&MAX_N_QM!How can I limit the size of QM area?
Thank you for any possible help. <br><div><br></div><div>FORCE_MIXING parameter:</div><div><div> &FORCE_MIXING </div><div> R_CORE 0.0 0.0</div><div> R_QM 3.0 3.5</div><div> R_BUF 3.0 3.5</div><div> QM_KIND_ELEMENT_MAPPING O O !Mapping from elements to QM_KINDs for adaptively included atoms.</div><div> QM_KIND_ELEMENT_MAPPING H H</div><div> QM_KIND_ELEMENT_MAPPING C C</div><div> QM_KIND_ELEMENT_MAPPING N N </div><div> MAX_N_QM 200</div><div> MOMENTUM_CONSERVATION_TYPE EQUAL_A</div><div> MOMENTUM_CONSERVATION_REGION QM</div><div> QM_EXTENDED_SEED_IS_ONLY_CORE_LIST .TRUE.</div><div> &END FORCE_MIXING</div><div> &WALLS</div><div> TYPE QUADRATIC</div><div> WALL_SKIN 0.5 0.5 0.5</div><div> K [kcalmol] 100.0</div><div> &END WALLS</div></div>