<p>Hello everyone,</p>
<p>I am trying to
do vibrational analysis for gas phase system. I am following the tutorial
" Computing Bulk Phase Vibrational Spectra with CP2k and TRAVIS
(2018)". Initially i have done massive equilibration of methanol system
for 6000 steps. After that i have done production run for 60000 steps. Then, I
calculated the power spectrum with xyz. file. Unfortunately, O-H stretching
vibration at 3700 cm-1 is not seen in the power spectrum. Would you please guide me why peak 3700 cm-1
is not seen? </p>
<p> </p>
<p> Here i am
attaching my power spectrum.</p>
<p> Please help me
on this.</p>
<p> Thanks.</p><p><br></p><p><img alt="power.png" data-iml="7330626.400000006" width="534px" height="361px" src="cid:9713255c-04a6-4624-bf99-26d60133f3df"><br></p>