Hi Marcella! Hi everyone!<br><br>EDIT: i cannot post with files attached. i will try to do it seperately.<br><br>Many thanks for your quick reply! Let me try to answer your questions.<br><div><br></div><div>1.
The structure that i am using as an input was made by means of the melt
and quench technique with ReaxFF force field MD in LAMMPS. After that
it was cell-optimized in CP2K at 0K. After relaxation, the entries S_ij
of the stress tensor satisfied S_ij<10MPa.<br>2. The langevin
thermostat was only used because it did not seem wrong to use it. I see
that the barostat has also a section called thermostat. should i just
use this one?<br></div><div>3. The total energy is not concerved since I am using an NPT (Gibbs) ensemble.<br>4 .The cell fluctuations are given in the attached file (exemplary for T=3000K).<br>5
.I did not print the barostat-energy until now but I will send this
information as soon as possible, most probably by tomorrow.</div><div><br></div><div>Concerning your advice to try annealing:<br>I did already try to do that last week. I simply used this as an &MD input:<br> &MD<br> ENSEMBLE NVE <br> INITIALIZATION_METHOD DEFAULT<br> MAX_STEPS 1000<br> STEPS 1000<br> TIMESTEP 0.5 <br> TEMPERATURE 300<br> ANNEALING 1.001<br> &END MD</div><div>and
this seemed to work in principle but it ran into convergence
problems... please see the attached output file (I removed stuff from
the middle of the file to shorten it a bit).<br></div><div><br></div><div>Thank you! Your help is greatly appreciated.<br><br>Regards,<br>Lukas</div><br><br>