<div dir="ltr">Hello,<div> i'm calculating Na(+1)Ti<font size="1">2</font>(+4)(PO4)<font size="1">3</font>(-3) using DFT+U method and the system is quite big ( 108 atoms, calculating 2x2x1, so 432 atoms in total) and i'm trying to fit the U parameter. Now i'm using U for both Ti and O (obviously Ti d orbitals). However, what's less obvious is what kind of orbitals should i apply the U correction to, regarding oxygen? Whenever i apply L=0 or L=1 ( p sounds reasonable to me) it prints out a following message:</div><div><br></div><div>*** 04:19:11 WARNING in dft_plus_u:mulliken :: DFT+U energy contibution ***<br> *** is negative possibly due to unphysical Mulliken charges. Check your ***<br> *** input, if this warning persists or try a different method!<br></div><div><br></div><div>Now when i set L=2 for O, the warning disappears and i get a great convergence. </div><div>That i do like, however, i cannot understand how this method works. I suppose i have oxygen mostly -2, therefore it should have it's 2p fully filled. From my point of view, if i want to localise the electron i should think about 3s or 2p, but certainly not 3d orbital. Can somebody help me with that?</div><div>Appreciate any help, comments or possible literature from the ones familiar with the problem!</div><div><br></div><div>PS. i know that these oxidation states are not correct and you cannot precisely have them in a periodic system. However, i suppose, that DFT+U method is used for certain electron localisation, therefore, i feel that they provide some ground to rely upon. Correct me if i'm mistaken!!</div><div><br></div><div>Regards,</div><div>Kazimieras</div></div>