<div dir="ltr">Dear CP2K Users,<br><br>We are pleased to announce that the registration for the upcoming <i>"CP2K User Tutorial on Advanced ab-initio MD methods"</i> is now open.<br><br>The goal of this CP2K tutorial is to provide to experienced researchers and students
in the field of molecular simulations a survey of the most relevant
computational MD <abbr title="Molecular Dynamics"></abbr> tools implemented within the CP2K program package. <br><br>For further information, see: <a href="https://www.cp2k.org/events:2017_user_tutorial:about">https://www.cp2k.org/events:2017_user_tutorial:about</a><br><br>For researchers interested in CP2K development: There will be a "CP2K Developer Meeting" on July 11th, 2017 - just one day before the tutorial starts. Please add a note to your registration in case you want to attend.<br><br>Best regards,<br>Andreas Gloess<br></div>