<div dir="ltr"><div class="IVILX2C-fd-a"><div tabindex="0" class="IVILX2C-tb-P"><div style="overflow: auto;"><div style="max-height: 10000px;"><div dir="ltr">Dear team,<div><br></div><div>I have been investigating the application of PM6 within the CP2K program for the study of periodic structures.</div><div><br></div><div>Currently, I understand that periodic NDDO calculations are not a standard application and thus require care and to begin I have been testing the convergence of structures defined in the regtest section. </div><div dir="ltr"><br></div>In particular, I have noticed the simulation of Al2O3 (SE/regtest-3-4/Al2O3.<wbr>inp) does not converge despite increasing the number of SCF cycles to 2000 and using a variety of optimiser settings.</div><div dir="ltr"><br></div><div dir="ltr">I have been testing this with cp2k/2.4.0 and cp2k/2.6.2 complied with intel compilers.</div>
<div dir="ltr"><div><br></div><div>Thank you for your help in advance.</div><div><br></div><div>Cheers,</div><div><br></div><div>Jack</div></div></div></div></div><div></div><div></div></div><div><div class="IVILX2C-fd-a"></div></div><div class="IVILX2C-tb-b"><div class="IVILX2C-tb-a IVILX2C-tb-cb"><div style="display: inline-block;"></div><div class="IVILX2C-nd-a"></div></div></div></div>