<div dir="ltr">Dear Everyone<br> I am trying to calculate the eigenvalue of LUMO and HOMO for kappa-Al2O3. The system owns the periodic boundary condition and includes 80 atoms.<br>I tried using the following in the section of DFT to output the eigenvalues of MOs. <br>"&PRINT<br> &MO<br> OCCNUMS<br> EIGVALS<br> &END MO<br> <br> &MO_CUBES<br> NHOMO 5<br> NLUMO 5<br> &END MO_CUBES" <br><br>From the tutorials of Cp2K, I notice:<br><h2><a href="http://manual.cp2k.org/trunk/index.html#CP2K_INPUT/FORCE_EVAL/DFT/PRINT/MO.html">Section MO</a></h2>
<em>Controls the printing of the molecular orbitals.Note that this is only functional
with diagonalization based methods, in particular not with OT<br><br></em>So, I turn "OT" off in my input file and use the following setting in the section of SCF <em><br> </em> SCF_GUESS ATOMIC <br> EPS_SCF 1.0E-7<br> MAX_SCF 300 <br> MAX_ITER_LUMOS 10000 <br> EPS_LUMOS 1.0E-7<br> &DIAGONALIZATION ON<br> ALGORITHM STANDARD<br> &END DIAGONALIZATION<br> &MIXING T<br> METHOD BROYDEN_MIXING<br> ALPHA 0.4<br> NBROYDEN 8<em><br> &END MIXING<br><br></em>But, I found the SCF calculation didnot converge after 300 steps when I checked the output files.<em><br><br></em><b>So, Could you kindly give me some advise to make the SCF calculation converge correctly?</b><em><br><br></em><b>The input file and the xyz file for the system are also attached<em>, please help me check them when you are free.<br><br><br>zhendong<br><br><br></em></b><em><br></em></div>