<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div>Hi, <br></div> when i run 'H2O-128.inp ' from the cp2k tests files, i found an error in error file . The error is<br><br><br> application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1) - process 0<br>
[32:n105] unexpected disconnect completion event from [0:n103]<br>[16:n104] unexpected disconnect completion event from [0:n103]<br>Assertion failed in file ../../dapl_conn_rc.c at line 1128: 0<br>Assertion failed in file ../../dapl_conn_rc.c at line 1128: 0<br>
[64:n83] unexpected disconnect completion event from [0:n103]<br>internal ABORT - process 32<br>[128:n113] unexpected disconnect completion event from [0:n103]<br>internal ABORT - process 16<br>Assertion failed in file ../../dapl_conn_rc.c at line 1128: 0<br>
Assertion failed in file ../../dapl_conn_rc.c at line 1128: 0<br>internal ABORT - process 64<br>internal ABORT - process 128<br>[96:n111] unexpected disconnect completion event from [32:n105]<br>[192:n117] unexpected disconnect completion event from [64:n83]<br>
[160:n115] unexpected disconnect completion event from [32:n105]<br>Assertion failed in file ../../dapl_conn_rc.c at line 1128: 0<br>[48:n106] unexpected disconnect completion event from [32:n105]<br>Assertion failed in file ../../dapl_conn_rc.c at line 1128: 0<br>
Assertion failed in file ../../dapl_conn_rc.c at line 1128: 0<br>internal ABORT - process 96<br>Assertion failed in file ../../dapl_conn_rc.c at line 1128: 0<br>internal ABORT - process 192<br>internal ABORT - process 160<br>
[80:n107] unexpected disconnect completion event from [64:n83]<br>internal ABORT - process 48<br>Assertion failed in file ../../dapl_conn_rc.c at line 1128: 0<br>internal ABORT - process 80<br>[144:n114] unexpected disconnect completion event from [16:n104]<br>
Assertion failed in file ../../dapl_conn_rc.c at line 1128: 0<br>internal ABORT - process 144<br>[208:n118] unexpected disconnect completion event from [192:n117]<br>Assertion failed in file ../../dapl_conn_rc.c at line 1128: 0<br>
[224:n119] unexpected disconnect completion event from [192:n117]<br>internal ABORT - process 208<br>Assertion failed in file ../../dapl_conn_rc.c at line 1128: 0<br>internal ABORT - process 224<br>[112:n112] unexpected disconnect completion event from [96:n111]<br>
Assertion failed in file ../../dapl_conn_rc.c at line 1128: 0<br>internal ABORT - process 112<br>[240:n120] unexpected disconnect completion event from [208:n118]<br>Assertion failed in file ../../dapl_conn_rc.c at line 1128: 0<br>
internal ABORT - process 240<br>[176:n116] unexpected disconnect completion event from [48:n106]<br>Assertion failed in file ../../dapl_conn_rc.c at line 1128: 0<br>internal ABORT - process 176<br><br><br><br><br></div>can any one help me , what kind this error is ? and how to solve this error?<br>
<br></div>thanks..<div class="yj6qo ajU"><div data-tooltip="Show trimmed content" id=":qu" class="ajR" role="button" tabindex="0"><img class="ajT" src="https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/images/cleardot.gif"></div></div></div>