<font size="2">
<div>Dear Axel,</div>
<div>Thanks for the tips, maybe the code requires a Z number with the corresponding name.</div>
<div>If I only use a modiffied name in both of BASIS_SET and POTENTIAL database, I'm not sure that this is a right way.</div>
<div>I think that problems are in files: periodic_table.F, semi_empirical_parameters.F,...</div>
<div>It's simple to add 'new elements' started from 107 with the same propeties,... of the original elements into the files.</div>
<div>Best regards,</div></font>
<div> </div>
<div>-- <br>Nguyen, Ngoc Ha<br>Hanoi National University of Education<br>Faculty of Chemistry<br>Department of Physical Chemistry<br>Tel: Office: 04/38330842<br>Home: 04/37891674<br>Mobile: 0989133436<br><a href="mailto:E-mail...@hnue.edu.vn">E-mai...@hnue.edu.vn</a> </div>