<div>Wish I was a Fortran expert. I'm only trying to figure out how to remove the output with the host_name. My project volunteers complain when an application outputs thier computer name in our results. I tried removing that line in
environment.F 934</div>
<div>but the program errored anyway. </div>
<div> </div>
<div> IF (iw>0 .AND. .NOT. failure) THEN<br> WRITE (UNIT=iw,&<br> FMT="(A,T55,A26,/,A,T51,A30,/,A,T51,A30,/,A,T71,I10)")&<br> " **** **** ****** ** PROGRAM ENDED AT ",ADJUSTR(datx),&
<br> " ***** ** *** *** ** PROGRAM RAN ON ",ADJUSTR(host_name(1:30))<br>,&</div>
<div> " ** **** ****** PROGRAM RAN BY ",ADJUSTR(user_name(1:30))<br>,&<br> " ***** ** ** ** ** PROGRAM PROCESS ID ",pid<br> WRITE (UNIT=iw,FMT="(A,T44,A37)")&
<br> " **** ** ******* ** PROGRAM STARTED IN ",ADJUSTR(cwd(1:37))<br> DO l=38,LEN_TRIM(cwd),37<br> WRITE (UNIT=iw,FMT="(T44,A)") cwd(l:MIN(LEN_TRIM(cwd),l+36))<br> END DO
<div> </div>