[CP2K-user] [CP2K:20687] CP2K minor version 2024.3 released

Ole Schütt ole.schuett at cp2k.org
Tue Sep 10 14:47:08 UTC 2024

Dear CP2K users,

we made a minor release of CP2K to fix an issue that can lead to stalls 
during molecular dynamics (#3661 <https://github.com/cp2k/cp2k/pull/3661>).

The CP2K source tarball can be downloaded from:


Updated container images are available on Docker Hub:


Since the issue only affects MPI jobs, the ssmp binaries from the previous 
2024.2 release are still up-to-date.

To patch an older version of CP2K you can run the following commands:

  cat cc176bd40face9ad10f6469deff4fd0bd1bfdeff.patch | patch  -p1

We hope that you will enjoy this new release!

The CP2K developers team

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