[CP2K-user] [CP2K:20872] Free energy from CP2K calculations

Ashley Dickson ashleydickson141 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 7 11:25:14 UTC 2024

Hi all, 

I'm currently working on fitting a machine learned potential using DFT data 
from CP2K, however I am running into some confusion regarding the energies 
of the simulations. I am using GAP_fit 
(https://libatoms.github.io/GAP/gap_fit.html), which mentions the 
importance of fitting the potential to the free energy, in order that the 
forces are consistent. Am I understanding correctly that the Total energy 
printed by CP2K is equivalent to the free energy, and includes the 
electronic entropic energy? 

For instance, the isolated atom energies are required by GAP_fit to fit the 
binding energies of the potential, so I have performed a SPE calculation on 
oxygen to give the following output:

Overlap energy of the core charge distribution:               
  Self energy of the core charge distribution:               
  Core Hamiltonian energy:                                     
  Hartree energy:                                             
  Exchange-correlation energy:                                 
  Electronic entropic energy:                                 
  Fermi energy:                                               

  Total energy:                                               

Would I take -15.80503938112864 as the isolated atom energy here?

Thanks in advance,

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