[CP2K-user] [CP2K:20213] CP2K-NewtonX interface, cannot find cp2k.ssmp

Maxime Hodée maxime.hodee8 at gmail.com
Wed May 15 11:54:02 UTC 2024

Hello everyone,
I am trying to setup some calculations using the CP2K - NewtonX interface, 
as seen here https://manual.cp2k.org/trunk/methods/sampling/newton-x.html

However, when starting the initial condition job with NewtonX, I get the 
message "Cannot find CP2K program at /path_to_CP2K/bin/cp2k.ssmp"

Of course I searched for this cp2k.ssmp program in the CP2K files, finding 
only the expected cp2k.psmp and cp2k.popt. I am not sure if this is rather 
a NewtonX or CP2K issue, but as there is no documentation on the interface 
with CP2K in the NX manual, and no active NX forums, I turned my attention 

Thanks in advance for your help,

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