[CP2K-user] [CP2K:20160] Reality check: time needed for FES convergence with WT Metadynamics

David M. Sherman dmsgeochem at gmail.com
Fri May 3 12:01:49 UTC 2024

So, I'm looking at metal-chloride complexation in NPT_I aqueous solutions 
(55 H2O in box). I'm using the PBE functional with Grimme 
dispersion. Because I'm doing NPT, I use a plane-wave cutoff to 400/40; the 
barostat performs very nicely with average pressures fluctuating within a 
few % of my target (simulations run from 1 to 3000 bars with temperatures 
ranging from 50 to 350C).  My colvars are M-Cl CN and M-O CN with SCALE 
small enough to nicely resolve the FES mimina.  I'm using well-tempered 
metadynamics with a bias factor (T+DeltaT/T) of 10.  I'm adding hills every 
150 steps (0.5 fs stepsize).  I'm using 10 walkers.  From the differences 
in FES minima, I calculate logK values for the various M+nCl = MCln 
reactions. Qualitatively, the results are pretty good: even after only 50ps 
per walker, most of the the logK values are within 1-2 units of experiment 
at 50C, 1 bar and show a nice systematic (and physically correct) change 
with pressure and temperature.  However, even after each walker has run for 
 150 ps (i.e., 1.5 ns for each P,T run), I still have the logK values 
drifting over  +/-  1-2 log units every 20ps or so; this corresponds to 
fluctuations in the differences between  FES minima of 10-20 kJ/mole. 
 After 150ps per walker, the added hill height is still about 0.00002 AU 
(0.05 k/mole).  Given that I'm using WT Metadynamics,  I know that, 
eventually,   the added hills will be 0, and the FES will become constant, 
but why is this taking so long?    I know I'm slowing things down by also 
including the oxygen (water) CN as a collective variable.   Indeed, it 
seems like the significant hills  that are being added after 150 ps are 
just for non-important hydration complexes; still, the FES mimima for the 
MCl, MCl2, MCl3 complexes  haven't really converged either (the free 
surfaces are clearly on their way to convergence; however the energy 
differences between the free energy minima are still too noisy).  I know 
that if I have poorly defined colvars, I will never get FES convergence, 
but these colvars are well-defined relative to the system and, indeed, give 
very clear minima in the FES with a barrier height between the minima of 
around 10-30 kJ/mole. So, my question is: should we expect a highly 
converged (+/- 5kJ/mole="chemical accuracy") FES in a system like this to 
require more than 1-2 nanoseconds (100-200 ps/walker with 10 walkers)?  Is 
everything here normal? Alternatively, Is my bias factor too high?  Should 
I increase NT-HILLS (am I "hill surfing"?). Thanks!

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