[CP2K-user] [CP2K:20038] the output of AIMD simulations

Young In Jhon yijhon at gmail.com
Tue Mar 19 02:16:01 UTC 2024


I'd like to print wanniner centers every 8 step during AIMD using cp2k
I used the following keywords, but I've got the error message shown below.

          MD 8
        &END EACH
        ! Output the Wannier functions as cube-files
        ! Output the centers of all Wannier functions as xyz-file
           IONS+CENTERS .TRUE.

 *   ___
 *  /   \
 * [ABORT]
 *  \___/                unknown subsection EACH of section PRINT
 *    |
 *  O/|
 * /| |
 * / \
 input/input_parsing.F:185 *

 ===== Routine Calling Stack =====

            6 section_vals_parse
            5 section_vals_parse
            4 section_vals_parse
            3 section_vals_parse
            2 section_vals_parse
            1 read_input

What keyword should I use to print it every 8 step?
At what output file, can I see the Wannier centers and ion positions?

Thank you for your asnwers in advance.

Best regards,


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