[CP2K-user] [CP2K:20487] Re: wB97X-D functional with libxc-3.0.0
ışılay öztürk
isilayozturk at gmail.com
Wed Jul 24 15:12:03 UTC 2024
In this input did you try to apply wB97-D or wB97X-D3.. I am trying to use
wB97-D so any feed back can be useful for me
28 Haziran 2017 Çarşamba tarihinde saat 17:30:42 UTC+2 itibarıyla John Herr
şunları yazdı:
> I'm trying to get the wB97X-D functional working in cp2k-4.1. I have
> already compiled cp2k with libxc-3.0.0, and I am trying to compare a
> calculation of a single water molecule with q-chem to make sure it's
> correct (will compare with more later, just using this as a starting
> point). For reference I am using the 6-311g** basis. In q-chem I can get an
> energy component breakdown like this
> ---------------------------------------
> Cycle Energy DIIS Error
> ---------------------------------------
> 1 -76.3663998805 1.11E-01
> 2 -76.3620453973 2.72E-02
> 3 -76.3749719700 2.59E-02
> 4 -76.4212961721 1.07E-03
> 5 -76.4213693768 2.28E-04
> 6 -76.4213747966 2.02E-05
> 7 -76.4213748557 1.79E-06 Convergence criterion met
> ---------------------------------------
> One-Electron Energy = -123.5178738137 <(517)%20873-8137>
> Total Coulomb Energy = 47.1112629588
> Alpha Exchange Energy = -1.4239467336 <(423)%20946-7336>
> Beta Exchange Energy = -1.4239467336 <(423)%20946-7336>
> DFT Exchange Energy = -6.0846516212
> DFT Correlation Energy = -0.4328050558 <(432)%20805-0558>
> Nuclear Repu. Energy = 9.3505861434 <(350)%20586-1434>
> Nuclear Attr. Energy = -199.8742482744
> Kinetic Energy = 76.3563744607
> which I would like to compare with cp2k to make sure the components of the
> energy are right, but I can't seem to figure out how to get these to print,
> or what to compare them to out of what does print out. Here is the energy
> breakdown after the last iteration from cp2k
> 11 DIIS/Diag. 0.73E-05 1.6 0.00000731 -76.4226387492
> -1.09E-09
> *** SCF run converged in 11 steps ***
> Electronic density on regular grids: -7.9264937891
> 2.0735062109
> Core density on regular grids: 10.0000000000
> -0.0000000000
> Hard and soft densities (Lebedev): -16.3078231164
> <(307)%20823-1164> -14.2343170120 <(234)%20317-0120>
> Total Rho_soft + Rho1_hard - Rho1_soft -9.9999998935
> Total charge density (r-space): 0.0000001065
> Total Rho_soft + Rho0_soft (g-space): 0.0000001024
> Overlap energy of the core charge distribution:
> 0.00000020808927
> Self energy of the core charge distribution:
> -75.73106814560732
> Core Hamiltonian energy:
> -5.18060334470231
> Hartree energy:
> 21.19955249945549
> Exchange-correlation energy:
> -2.68058148507007
> Hartree-Fock Exchange energy:
> -2.84801596711676
> GAPW| Exc from hard and soft atomic rho1:
> -3.83867168544622
> GAPW| local Eh = 1 center integrals:
> -7.34325082876699
> Total energy:
> -76.42263874916490
> I have attached my cp2k input file. I think that I have the HF interaction
> potential set correctly, but not 100% sure on that. As far as the vdW
> potential, I am not sure what to set, as it seems that cp2k only has the
> zero damping and Becke-Johnson damping function, but the damping function
> in wB97X-D is different from either of these. Any help with this would be
> much appreciated.
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