[CP2K-user] [CP2K:20457] Cholesky decompose failed: the matrix is not positive definite or ill-conditioned
Tian-Ning Chen
tianning733 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 17 18:46:12 UTC 2024
Dear CP2K experts
As CP2K beginner, I tried to do cell optimization for zeolite Beta-A unit
cell (downloaded from IZA database), but I got error message "Cholesky
decompose failed: the matrix is not positive definite or
ill-conditioned." when the program performs preconditioner for SCF
wavefunction optimization. I am not sure this is caused by bad geometry
since Beta-A is directly downloaded from IZA database.
Beta_A.xyz, input and output are attached.
I can turn the PRECONDITIONER OFF, but it cannot converge.
After expanding the unit cell by 2 × 2 × 1 to a 25.4 × 25.4 × 26.4 Å3 supercell
(Beta_A_221_cellopt.xyz), cell optimization can be performed. However, I
want to use unit cell for NEB and DIMER. Can someone resolve the issue?
Much appreciation for your help!
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