[CP2K-user] [CP2K:20444] Output files and process based on LRTDDFT

许旭辉 996352258xxh at gmail.com
Fri Jul 12 03:35:05 UTC 2024

Dear Developer,

Sorry to bother you!

I am a rookie in CP2K and find it quite challenging to apply the LR-TDDFT 
method for NA-MD. However, when I try to use this module to calculate the 
periodic system, I encounter some issues:

   1. What is the difference between .tdwfn and .wfn files? Does the .tdwfn 
   file represent the wavefunction of the LR-TDDFT calculation?
   2. After diagonalizing the KS-Hamiltonian matrix from the .csr files, I 
   found that the eigenvalues are completely different from the energies in 
   out.log. How can I resolve this discrepancy?
   3.   Can you explain the differences between the following overlap 
   matrix files:
      - S_SPIN_1-1_0.csr
      - S_SPIN_2-1_0.csr
      - S_SPIN_3-1_0.csr
      - S_SPIN_4-1_0.csr
Additionally, is there a detailed link or documentation that explains the 
output files in depth, including their format and content arrangement?

Thank you for your help!

Best regards,

Xuhui Xu 

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Runnong on hosts
Time is data
Directory is /es01/yeesuan/yeesuan623/works/xxh/LRTDDFT/new
this job runs on the following nodes:
 DBCSR| CPU Multiplication driver                                           XSMM (U)
 DBCSR| Multrec recursion limit                                              512 (U)
 DBCSR| Multiplication stack size                                           1000 (D)
 DBCSR| Maximum elements for images                                    UNLIMITED (U)
 DBCSR| Multiplicative factor virtual images                                   1 (U)
 DBCSR| Use multiplication densification                                       T (D)
 DBCSR| Multiplication size stacks                                             3 (U)
 DBCSR| Use memory pool for CPU allocation                                     F (U)
 DBCSR| Number of 3D layers                                               SINGLE (U)
 DBCSR| Use MPI memory allocation                                              F (U)
 DBCSR| Use RMA algorithm                                                      F (U)
 DBCSR| Use Communication thread                                               T (U)
 DBCSR| Communication thread load                                             87 (D)
 DBCSR| MPI: My process id                                                     0
 DBCSR| MPI: Number of processes                                              56
 DBCSR| OMP: Current number of threads                                         1
 DBCSR| OMP: Max number of threads                                             1
 DBCSR| Split modifier for TAS multiplication algorithm                  1.0E+00 (U)

  **** **** ******  **  PROGRAM STARTED AT               2024-07-06 21:39:49.697
 ***** ** ***  *** **   PROGRAM STARTED ON                                n01337
 **    ****   ******    PROGRAM STARTED BY                            yeesuan623
 ***** **    ** ** **   PROGRAM PROCESS ID                                 78693
  **** **  *******  **  PROGRAM STARTED IN /es01/yeesuan/yeesuan623/works/xxh/LR

 CP2K| version string:                                       CP2K version 2024.1
 CP2K| source code revision number:                                  git:b4a17a5
 CP2K| cp2kflags: omp libint fftw3 libxc pexsi elpa parallel mpi_f08 scalapack c
 CP2K|            osma xsmm plumed2 spglib mkl sirius libvori libbqb libvdwxc hd
 CP2K|            df5
 CP2K| is freely available from                            https://www.cp2k.org/
 CP2K| Program compiled at                           Mon Feb 5 14:56:31 CST 2024
 CP2K| Program compiled on                                                n07148
 CP2K| Program compiled for                                                local
 CP2K| Data directory path    /es01/yeesuan/yeesuan623/yeesuan/software/cp2k-202
 CP2K| Input file name                                                   new.inp
 GLOBAL| Force Environment number                                              1
 GLOBAL| Basis set file name                                    BASIS_MOLOPT_UZH
 GLOBAL| Potential file name                                       POTENTIAL_UZH
 GLOBAL| MM Potential file name                                     MM_POTENTIAL
 GLOBAL| Coordinate file name                                      __STD_INPUT__
 GLOBAL| Method name                                                        CP2K
 GLOBAL| Project name                                          test_for_periodic
 GLOBAL| Run type                                                         ENERGY
 GLOBAL| FFT library                                                       FFTW3
 GLOBAL| Diagonalization library                                            ELPA
 GLOBAL| DGEMM library                                                      BLAS
 GLOBAL| Minimum number of eigenvectors for ELPA usage                        16
 GLOBAL| Orthonormality check for eigenvectors                          DISABLED
 GLOBAL| Matrix multiplication library                                     COSMA
 GLOBAL| All-to-all communication in single precision                          F
 GLOBAL| FFTs using library dependent lengths                                  F
 GLOBAL| Grid backend                                                       AUTO
 GLOBAL| Global print level                                                  LOW
 GLOBAL| MPI I/O enabled                                                       T
 GLOBAL| Total number of message passing processes                            56
 GLOBAL| Number of threads for this process                                    1
 GLOBAL| This output is from process                                           0
 GLOBAL| Stack size for threads created by OpenMP (OMP_STACKSIZE)        default
 GLOBAL| CPU model name                Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6258R CPU @ 2.70GHz
 GLOBAL| CPUID                                                              1003

 MEMORY| system memory details [Kb]
 MEMORY|                        rank 0           min           max       average
 MEMORY| MemTotal            196493924     196493924     196493924     196493924
 MEMORY| MemFree             164138388     164138388     164138636     164138516
 MEMORY| Buffers                280948        280948        280948        280948
 MEMORY| Cached                2950308       2950308       2950308       2950308
 MEMORY| Slab                  1233836       1233836       1233836       1233836
 MEMORY| SReclaimable           254712        254712        254712        254712
 MEMORY| MemLikelyFree       167624356     167624356     167624604     167624484

 GENERATE|  Preliminary Number of Bonds generated:                             0
 GENERATE|  Achieved consistency in connectivity generation.

 **                                                                           **
 **     #####                         ##              ##                      **
 **    ##   ##            ##          ##              ##                      **
 **   ##     ##                       ##            ######                    **
 **   ##     ##  ##   ##  ##   #####  ##  ##   ####   ##    #####    #####    **
 **   ##     ##  ##   ##  ##  ##      ## ##   ##      ##   ##   ##  ##   ##   **
 **   ##  ## ##  ##   ##  ##  ##      ####     ###    ##   ######   ######    **
 **    ##  ###   ##   ##  ##  ##      ## ##      ##   ##   ##       ##        **
 **     #######   #####   ##   #####  ##  ##  ####    ##    #####   ##        **
 **           ##                                                    ##        **
 **                                                                           **
 **                                                ... make the atoms dance   **
 **                                                                           **
 **            Copyright (C) by CP2K developers group (2000-2024)             **
 **                      J. Chem. Phys. 152, 194103 (2020)                    **
 **                                                                           **


  Total number of            - Atomic kinds:                                   2
                             - Atoms:                                          6
                             - Shell sets:                                     6
                             - Shells:                                        50
                             - Primitive Cartesian functions:                 28
                             - Cartesian basis functions:                    154
                             - Spherical basis functions:                    138

  Maximum angular momentum of- Orbital basis functions:                        3
                             - Local part of the GTH pseudopotential:          2
                             - Non-local part of the GTH pseudopotential:      4

  AUX_FIT ADMM-Basis: 
  Total number of            - Shell sets:                                    36
                             - Shells:                                        36
                             - Primitive Cartesian functions:                 50
                             - Cartesian basis functions:                    118
                             - Spherical basis functions:                    104
                               Maximum angular momentum                        3

 SCF PARAMETERS         Density guess:                                   RESTART
                        max_scf:                                              10
                        max_scf_history:                                       0
                        max_diis:                                              4
                        eps_scf:                                        1.00E-06
                        eps_scf_history:                                0.00E+00
                        eps_diis:                                       1.00E-01
                        eps_eigval:                                     1.00E-05
                        level_shift [a.u.]:                             0.000000
                        Outer loop SCF in use 
                        No variables optimised in outer loop
                        eps_scf                                         1.00E-06
                        max_scf                                              900
                        No outer loop optimization
                        step_size                                       5.00E-01

 Number of electrons:                                                         52
 Number of occupied orbitals:                                                 26
 Number of molecular orbitals:                                                26

 Number of orbital functions:                                                138
 Number of independent orbital functions:                                    138

 Extrapolation method: initial_guess

 MO|  Index      Eigenvalue [a.u.]        Eigenvalue [eV]             Occupation
 MO|      1               0.000000               0.000000               2.000000
 MO|      2               0.000000               0.000000               2.000000
 MO|      3               0.000000               0.000000               2.000000
 MO|      4               0.000000               0.000000               2.000000
 MO|      5               0.000000               0.000000               2.000000
 MO|      6               0.000000               0.000000               2.000000
 MO|      7               0.000000               0.000000               2.000000
 MO|      8               0.000000               0.000000               2.000000
 MO|      9               0.000000               0.000000               2.000000
 MO|     10               0.000000               0.000000               2.000000
 MO|     11               0.000000               0.000000               2.000000
 MO|     12               0.000000               0.000000               2.000000
 MO|     13               0.000000               0.000000               2.000000
 MO|     14               0.000000               0.000000               2.000000
 MO|     15               0.000000               0.000000               2.000000
 MO|     16               0.000000               0.000000               2.000000
 MO|     17               0.000000               0.000000               2.000000
 MO|     18               0.000000               0.000000               2.000000
 MO|     19               0.000000               0.000000               2.000000
 MO|     20               0.000000               0.000000               2.000000
 MO|     21               0.000000               0.000000               2.000000
 MO|     22               0.000000               0.000000               2.000000
 MO|     23               0.000000               0.000000               2.000000
 MO|     24               0.000000               0.000000               2.000000
 MO|     25               0.000000               0.000000               2.000000
 MO|     26               0.000000               0.000000               2.000000
 MO| Sum:                                                              52.000000
 MO| E(Fermi):            0.000000 a.u.          0.000000 eV


  ----------------------------------- OT ---------------------------------------
  Minimizer      : DIIS                : direct inversion
                                         in the iterative subspace
                                         using   7 DIIS vectors
                                         safer DIIS on
  Preconditioner : FULL_ALL            : diagonalization, state selective
  Precond_solver : DEFAULT
  stepsize       :    0.15000000                  energy_gap     :    0.08000000
  eps_taylor     :   0.10000E-15                  max_taylor     :             4
  ----------------------------------- OT ---------------------------------------

  Step     Update method      Time    Convergence         Total energy    Change

 *** WARNING in hfx_admm_utils.F:1406 :: ADMM requested without a ***
 *** DFT%XC%HF section. It will be ignored for the SCF.           ***

     1 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    3.0     0.44082231      -134.7478736111 -1.35E+02
     2 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    4.2     0.23261265      -153.6767527146 -1.89E+01
     3 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    4.3     0.19970490      -163.4832252231 -9.81E+00
     4 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    4.3     0.20136408      -166.5949326480 -3.11E+00
     5 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    4.2     0.09535092      -169.6154740642 -3.02E+00
     6 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    4.2     0.08861459      -171.4459545463 -1.83E+00
     7 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    4.3     0.05847637      -172.5813419722 -1.14E+00
     8 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    4.3     0.05415829      -173.3246151314 -7.43E-01
     9 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    4.3     0.05929625      -174.0297507882 -7.05E-01
    10 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    4.2     0.03891943      -174.1704184978 -1.41E-01

  Leaving inner SCF loop after reaching    10 steps.

  Electronic density on regular grids:        -52.0000000000        0.0000000000
  Core density on regular grids:               52.0000000000       -0.0000000000
  Total charge density on r-space grids:       -0.0000000000
  Total charge density g-space grids:          -0.0000000000

  Overlap energy of the core charge distribution:               0.00000000000796
  Self energy of the core charge distribution:               -352.25771164308082
  Core Hamiltonian energy:                                     83.18703461030680
  Hartree energy:                                             119.90218111134985
  Exchange-correlation energy:                                -25.00192257640946

  Total energy:                                              -174.17041849782566

  outer SCF iter =    1 RMS gradient =   0.39E-01 energy =       -174.1704184978

  ----------------------------------- OT ---------------------------------------
  Minimizer      : DIIS                : direct inversion
                                         in the iterative subspace
                                         using   7 DIIS vectors
                                         safer DIIS on
  Preconditioner : FULL_ALL            : diagonalization, state selective
  Precond_solver : DEFAULT
  stepsize       :    0.15000000                  energy_gap     :    0.08000000
  eps_taylor     :   0.10000E-15                  max_taylor     :             4
  ----------------------------------- OT ---------------------------------------

  Step     Update method      Time    Convergence         Total energy    Change
     1 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    8.7     0.06633243      -174.4284945422 -2.58E-01
     2 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    4.2     0.25271098      -174.5616256588 -1.33E-01
     3 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    4.2     0.22949687      -174.8381597315 -2.77E-01
     4 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    4.2     0.11895405      -175.4897898012 -6.52E-01
     5 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    4.2     0.04838461      -175.8023606929 -3.13E-01
     6 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    4.3     0.09126888      -175.7626241391  3.97E-02
     7 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    4.3     0.04553253      -175.9366385528 -1.74E-01
     8 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    4.3     0.02165889      -176.0089409449 -7.23E-02
     9 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    4.3     0.01747131      -176.0667736383 -5.78E-02
    10 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    4.2     0.01916627      -176.0757950811 -9.02E-03

  Leaving inner SCF loop after reaching    10 steps.

  Electronic density on regular grids:        -51.9999999997        0.0000000003
  Core density on regular grids:               52.0000000000       -0.0000000000
  Total charge density on r-space grids:        0.0000000002
  Total charge density g-space grids:           0.0000000002

  Overlap energy of the core charge distribution:               0.00000000000796
  Self energy of the core charge distribution:               -352.25771164308082
  Core Hamiltonian energy:                                     80.56522425886422
  Hartree energy:                                             120.58986937794582
  Exchange-correlation energy:                                -24.97317707486256

  Total energy:                                              -176.07579508112539

  outer SCF iter =    2 RMS gradient =   0.19E-01 energy =       -176.0757950811

  ----------------------------------- OT ---------------------------------------
  Minimizer      : DIIS                : direct inversion
                                         in the iterative subspace
                                         using   7 DIIS vectors
                                         safer DIIS on
  Preconditioner : FULL_ALL            : diagonalization, state selective
  Precond_solver : DEFAULT
  stepsize       :    0.15000000                  energy_gap     :    0.08000000
  eps_taylor     :   0.10000E-15                  max_taylor     :             4
  ----------------------------------- OT ---------------------------------------

  Step     Update method      Time    Convergence         Total energy    Change
     1 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    8.6     0.00893776      -176.0954492248 -1.97E-02
     2 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    4.3     0.03971979      -176.0485422991  4.69E-02
     3 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    4.3     0.01449873      -176.1024271368 -5.39E-02
     4 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    4.3     0.00650438      -176.1078540504 -5.43E-03
     5 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    4.5     0.00305765      -176.1099898665 -2.14E-03
     6 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    4.3     0.00083105      -176.1104862855 -4.96E-04
     7 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    4.3     0.00056614      -176.1105202981 -3.40E-05
     8 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    4.3     0.00018896      -176.1105367503 -1.65E-05
     9 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    4.3     0.00003908      -176.1105408958 -4.15E-06
    10 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    4.3     0.00001260      -176.1105413764 -4.81E-07

  Leaving inner SCF loop after reaching    10 steps.

  Electronic density on regular grids:        -51.9999999997        0.0000000003
  Core density on regular grids:               52.0000000000       -0.0000000000
  Total charge density on r-space grids:        0.0000000003
  Total charge density g-space grids:           0.0000000003

  Overlap energy of the core charge distribution:               0.00000000000796
  Self energy of the core charge distribution:               -352.25771164308082
  Core Hamiltonian energy:                                     80.69319408161687
  Hartree energy:                                             120.45483243307572
  Exchange-correlation energy:                                -25.00085624800495

  Total energy:                                              -176.11054137638524

  outer SCF iter =    3 RMS gradient =   0.13E-04 energy =       -176.1105413764

  ----------------------------------- OT ---------------------------------------
  Minimizer      : DIIS                : direct inversion
                                         in the iterative subspace
                                         using   7 DIIS vectors
                                         safer DIIS on
  Preconditioner : FULL_ALL            : diagonalization, state selective
  Precond_solver : DEFAULT
  stepsize       :    0.15000000                  energy_gap     :    0.08000000
  eps_taylor     :   0.10000E-15                  max_taylor     :             4
  ----------------------------------- OT ---------------------------------------

  Step     Update method      Time    Convergence         Total energy    Change
     1 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    8.5     0.00003156      -176.1105413637  1.26E-08
     2 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    4.2     0.00022475      -176.1105398192  1.54E-06
     3 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    4.2     0.00003902      -176.1105413419 -1.52E-06
     4 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    4.2     0.00000248      -176.1105414064 -6.45E-08
     5 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    4.3     0.00000498      -176.1105414058  5.45E-10
     6 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    4.2     0.00000053      -176.1105414074 -1.55E-09

  *** SCF run converged in     6 steps ***

  Electronic density on regular grids:        -51.9999999997        0.0000000003
  Core density on regular grids:               52.0000000000       -0.0000000000
  Total charge density on r-space grids:        0.0000000003
  Total charge density g-space grids:           0.0000000003

  Overlap energy of the core charge distribution:               0.00000000000796
  Self energy of the core charge distribution:               -352.25771164308082
  Core Hamiltonian energy:                                     80.69316507083110
  Hartree energy:                                             120.45485989829373
  Exchange-correlation energy:                                -25.00085473344986

  Total energy:                                              -176.11054140739787

  outer SCF iter =    4 RMS gradient =   0.53E-06 energy =       -176.1105414074
  outer SCF loop converged in   4 iterations or   36 steps

 MO|  Index      Eigenvalue [a.u.]        Eigenvalue [eV]             Occupation
 MO|      1              -1.909746             -51.966827               2.000000
 MO|      2              -1.909745             -51.966816               2.000000
 MO|      3              -0.962381             -26.187732               2.000000
 MO|      4              -0.962381             -26.187731               2.000000
 MO|      5              -0.962381             -26.187717               2.000000
 MO|      6              -0.962381             -26.187717               2.000000
 MO|      7              -0.959844             -26.118680               2.000000
 MO|      8              -0.959841             -26.118611               2.000000
 MO|      9              -0.266191              -7.243427               2.000000
 MO|     10              -0.262112              -7.132433               2.000000
 MO|     11              -0.226396              -6.160538               2.000000
 MO|     12              -0.220079              -5.988655               2.000000
 MO|     13               0.055006               1.496785               2.000000
 MO|     14               0.076270               2.075413               2.000000
 MO|     15               0.170425               4.637487               2.000000
 MO|     16               0.179074               4.872847               2.000000
 MO|     17               0.179074               4.872848               2.000000
 MO|     18               0.179347               4.880285               2.000000
 MO|     19               0.179347               4.880285               2.000000
 MO|     20               0.211967               5.767925               2.000000
 MO|     21               0.211967               5.767925               2.000000
 MO|     22               0.212737               5.788868               2.000000
 MO|     23               0.212737               5.788868               2.000000
 MO|     24               0.220853               6.009729               2.000000
 MO|     25               0.272291               7.409422               2.000000
 MO|     26               0.299166               8.140726               2.000000
 MO| Sum:                                                              52.000000
 MO| E(Fermi):            0.299166 a.u.          8.140726 eV

 **                                                                           **
 **         ######## #######   #######   ######## #######  ########           **
 **            ##    ##     ## ##     ## ##       ##   ##     ##              **
 **            ##    ##     ## ##     ## ######   #######     ##              **
 **            ##    ##     ## ##     ## ##       ##          ##              **
 **            ##    #######   #######   ##       ##          ##              **
 **                                                                           **
 KERNEL|                                                                    FULL
 FUNCTIONAL| J.P.Perdew, K.Burke, M.Ernzerhof, Phys. Rev. Letter, vol. 77, n 18,
 FUNCTIONAL|  pp. 3865-3868, (1996) {spin unpolarized}                          
 KERNEL| Spin symmetry of excitations                                    Singlet
 TDDFPT| Number of states calculated                                          10
 TDDFPT| Number of Davidson iterations                                       100
 TDDFPT| Davidson iteration convergence                                0.367E-06
 TDDFPT| Max. number of Krylov space vectors                                5000
 TDDFPT| Molecular Orbitals:        Spin       AOs       Occ      Virt     Total
 TDDFPT|                               1       138        26       112       138

 *** WARNING in qs_tddfpt2_restart.F:208 :: User requested to restart the ***
 *** TDDFPT wave functions from the file 'LRTDFT.tdwfn' which does not    ***
 *** exist. Guess wave functions will be constructed using Kohn-Sham      ***
 *** orbitals.                                                            ***

 -                            TDDFPT Initial Guess                             -
          State         Occupied      ->      Virtual          Excitation
          number         orbital              orbital          energy (eV)
             1               26                   27              1.91087
             2               26                   28              1.91087
             3               26                   29              1.91589
             4               26                   30              1.91589
             5               26                   31              1.93598
             6               26                   32              1.93598
             7               26                   33              1.99172
             8               26                   34              1.99172
             9               25                   27              2.64217
            10               25                   28              2.64217

      Number of active states:                                       2912
 -                      TDDFPT WAVEFUNCTION OPTIMIZATION                       -

          Step            Time         Convergence           Conv. states
             1            34.0          6.6057E-03                      0
             2            34.0          2.1603E-03                      0
             3            34.0          2.6814E-05                      0
             4            34.0          3.6919E-07                      9
             5            34.0          8.4805E-09                     10
 ------------------------- Restart Davidson iterations -------------------------
             6            33.9          4.7184E-16                     10
 -  TDDFPT run converged in 6 iteration(s) 

 R-TDDFPT states of multiplicity 1
 Transition dipoles calculated using velocity formulation

         State    Excitation        Transition dipole (a.u.)        Oscillator
         number   energy (eV)       x           y           z     strength (a.u.)
 TDDFPT|      1       1.97793   5.8238E-04 -2.9677E-04  2.8762E-05   2.07437E-08
 TDDFPT|      2       1.97793  -2.6707E-04 -5.7666E-04 -5.2960E-07   1.95707E-08
 TDDFPT|      3       1.98373   5.5621E-05 -2.7455E-05  1.2283E-06   1.87064E-10
 TDDFPT|      4       1.98373  -1.8956E-05 -3.9098E-05 -7.8053E-07   9.17875E-11
 TDDFPT|      5       2.06002  -2.3438E+00 -4.4456E+00 -3.7578E-05   1.27471E+00
 TDDFPT|      6       2.06003  -4.4456E+00  2.3438E+00 -4.5934E-06   1.27472E+00
 TDDFPT|      7       2.11195  -9.6150E-04 -1.8325E-03  1.4025E-06   2.21582E-07
 TDDFPT|      8       2.11195  -1.8150E-03  9.6905E-04 -4.2593E-05   2.19133E-07
 TDDFPT|      9       2.69927  -1.0929E-03  4.8256E-04  5.8891E-05   9.46236E-08
 TDDFPT|     10       2.69927   5.7202E-04  1.2153E-03 -2.4980E-05   1.19359E-07

 TDDFPT : CheckSum  =  0.253743E+00
 -                            Excitation analysis                              -
        State             Occupied              Virtual             Excitation
        number             orbital              orbital             amplitude
             1   1.97793 eV
                                26                   27               0.995928
                                25                   29               0.083821
             2   1.97793 eV
                                26                   28              -0.995929
                                25                   30              -0.083817
             3   1.98373 eV
                                26                   29              -0.995873
                                25                   27              -0.084361
             4   1.98373 eV
                                26                   30               0.995873
                                25                   28               0.084361
             5   2.06002 eV
                                26                   31               0.983353
                                25                   33               0.173335
             6   2.06003 eV
                                26                   32               0.983353
                                25                   34               0.173338
             7   2.11195 eV
                                26                   33               0.978073
                                25                   31               0.201205
             8   2.11195 eV
                                26                   34               0.978072
                                25                   32               0.201205
             9   2.69927 eV
                                25                   27               0.995992
                                26                   29              -0.083346
            10   2.69927 eV
                                25                   28              -0.995992
                                26                   30               0.083346

 ENERGY| Total FORCE_EVAL ( QS ) energy [a.u.]:             -176.110541407397875

 -                                                                             -
 -                                DBCSR STATISTICS                             -
 -                                                                             -
 COUNTER                                    TOTAL       BLAS       SMM       ACC
 flops    17 x    16 x    17               295936       0.0%    100.0%      0.0%
 flops    17 x    16 x    35               304640       0.0%    100.0%      0.0%
 flops    35 x    16 x    17               304640       0.0%    100.0%      0.0%
 flops    35 x    16 x    35               313600       0.0%    100.0%      0.0%
 flops    17 x    32 x    17              1775616       0.0%    100.0%      0.0%
 flops    17 x    32 x    35              1827840       0.0%    100.0%      0.0%
 flops    35 x    32 x    17              1827840       0.0%    100.0%      0.0%
 flops    35 x    32 x    35              1881600       0.0%    100.0%      0.0%
 flops    26 x    13 x    26              1898208       0.0%    100.0%      0.0%
 flops    13 x    26 x    26              3163680       0.0%    100.0%      0.0%
 flops    13 x    13 x    26              3163680       0.0%    100.0%      0.0%
 flops    17 x    26 x    26              4229056       0.0%    100.0%      0.0%
 flops    34 x    26 x    26              8458112       0.0%    100.0%      0.0%
 flops    34 x    26 x    17              9617920       0.0%    100.0%      0.0%
 flops    34 x    26 x    35              9900800       0.0%    100.0%      0.0%
 flops    26 x    26 x    26             12865632       0.0%    100.0%      0.0%
 flops    26 x    26 x    17             13606528       0.0%    100.0%      0.0%
 flops    26 x    26 x    35             14006720       0.0%    100.0%      0.0%
 flops    35 x    17 x    26             14572740       0.0%    100.0%      0.0%
 flops    87 x    26 x    26             21642816       0.0%    100.0%      0.0%
 flops    17 x    17 x    26             23593960       0.0%    100.0%      0.0%
 flops    17 x    35 x    26             24287900       0.0%    100.0%      0.0%
 flops    87 x    26 x    17             24610560       0.0%    100.0%      0.0%
 flops    87 x    26 x    35             25334400       0.0%    100.0%      0.0%
 flops    35 x    35 x    26             30002700       0.0%    100.0%      0.0%
 flops    35 x    26 x    17             81929120       0.0%    100.0%      0.0%
 flops    35 x    26 x    35             84338800       0.0%    100.0%      0.0%
 flops    17 x    26 x    17             84397248       0.0%    100.0%      0.0%
 flops    17 x    26 x    35             86879520       0.0%    100.0%      0.0%
 flops inhomo. stacks                           0       0.0%      0.0%      0.0%
 flops total                       591.031812E+06       0.0%    100.0%      0.0%
 flops max/rank                    361.234028E+06       0.0%    100.0%      0.0%
 matmuls inhomo. stacks                         0       0.0%      0.0%      0.0%
 matmuls total                              19395       0.0%    100.0%      0.0%
 number of processed stacks                 13783       0.0%    100.0%      0.0%
 average stack size                                     0.0       1.4       0.0
 marketing flops                   663.021888E+06
 # multiplications                           1200
 max memory usage/rank             456.491008E+06
 # max total images/rank                        7
 # max 3D layers                                1
 # MPI messages exchanged                 3158400
 MPI messages size (bytes):
  total size                         1.100617E+09
  min size                           0.000000E+00
  max size                          24.360000E+03
  average size                     348.472900E+00
 MPI breakdown and total messages size (bytes):
             size <=      128             3017730                        0
       128 < size <=     8192               92202                387813920
      8192 < size <=    32768               48468                712802848
     32768 < size <=   131072                   0                        0
    131072 < size <=  4194304                   0                        0
   4194304 < size <= 16777216                   0                        0
  16777216 < size                               0                        0

 *** WARNING in dbcsr_mm.F:291 :: Using a non-square number of MPI ranks ***
 *** might lead to poor performance. Used ranks: 56 Suggested: 49 121    ***

 -                                                                             -
 -                      DBCSR MESSAGE PASSING PERFORMANCE                      -
 -                                                                             -
 ROUTINE             CALLS      AVE VOLUME [Bytes]
 MP_Bcast               30                     12.
 MP_Allreduce         5800                      8.
 MP_Gather              10                      4.
 MP_Alltoall         12330                  11950.
 MP_ISend           119012                    717.
 MP_IRecv           117664                    293.
 MP_Recv               825                   1036.

 -                                                                             -
 -                                DBM STATISTICS                               -
 -                                                                             -
    M  x    N  x    K                                          COUNT     PERCENT

 -                                                                             -
 -                                GRID STATISTICS                              -
 -                                                                             -
 LP    KERNEL             BACKEND                              COUNT     PERCENT
 5     collocate general  CPU                                 636896      17.13%
 5     integrate general  CPU                                 609792      16.41%
 6     collocate general  CPU                                 505636      13.60%
 6     integrate general  CPU                                 494400      13.30%
 4     collocate general  CPU                                 378452      10.18%
 4     integrate general  CPU                                 314304       8.46%
 2     collocate general  CPU                                 244656       6.58%
 1     collocate general  CPU                                 234288       6.30%
 0     collocate general  CPU                                 157974       4.25%
 3     collocate general  CPU                                 140688       3.78%

 MEMORY| Estimated peak process memory [MiB]                                 436

 -                                                                             -
 -                         MESSAGE PASSING PERFORMANCE                         -
 -                                                                             -

 ROUTINE             CALLS      AVE VOLUME [Bytes]
 MP_Group                5
 MP_Bcast             1341                2695751.
 MP_Allreduce         4912                    166.
 MP_Sync               514
 MP_Alltoall          3320                 401582.
 MP_SendRecv         29535                  12849.
 MP_ISendRecv        21120                  12800.
 MP_Wait             22150
 MP_comm_split          50
 MP_ISend             5366                     22.
 MP_IRecv             5784                     21.

 -                                                                             -
 -                           R E F E R E N C E S                               -
 -                                                                             -
 CP2K version 2024.1, the CP2K developers group (2024).
 CP2K is freely available from https://www.cp2k.org/ .

 Kuehne,Thomas D.; Iannuzzi,Marcella; Del Ben,Mauro;
 Rybkin,Vladimir V.; Seewald,Patrick; Stein,Frederick; Laino,Teodoro;
 Khaliullin,Rustam Z.; Schuett,Ole; Schiffmann,Florian; Golze,Dorothea;
 Wilhelm,Jan; Chulkov,Sergey; Bani-Hashemian,Mohammad Hossein;
 Weber,Valery; Borstnik,Urban; Taillefumier,Mathieu;
 Jakobovits,Alice Shoshana; Lazzaro,Alfio; Pabst,Hans; Mueller,Tiziano;
 Schade,Robert; Guidon,Manuel; Andermatt,Samuel; Holmberg,Nico;
 Schenter,Gregory K.; Hehn,Anna; Bussy,Augustin; Belleflamme,Fabian;
 Tabacchi,Gloria; Gloess,Andreas; Lass,Michael; Bethune,Iain;
 Mundy,Christopher J.; Plessl,Christian; Watkins,Matt;
 VandeVondele,Joost; Krack,Matthias; Hutter,Juerg. 
 The Journal of Chemical Physics, 152 (19), (2020). 
 CP2K: An electronic structure and molecular dynamics software package -
 Quickstep: Efficient and accurate electronic structure calculations.

 Schuett, Ole; Messmer, Peter; Hutter, Juerg; VandeVondele, Joost. 
 Electronic Structure Calculations on Graphics Processing Units, John
 Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 173-190 (2016). 
 GPU-Accelerated Sparse Matrix-Matrix Multiplication for
 Linear Scaling Density Functional Theory.

 Heinecke, A; Henry, G; Hutchinson, M; Pabst, H. 
 Proceedings of Intl. Supercomputing Conference, 981-991 (2016). 
 LIBXSMM: Accelerating Small Matrix Multiplications
 by Runtime Code Generation.

 Borstnik, U; VandeVondele, J; Weber, V; Hutter, J. 
 PARALLEL COMPUTING, 40 (5-6), 47-58 (2014). 
 Sparse matrix multiplication: The distributed block-compressed sparse
 row library.

 Hutter, J; Iannuzzi, M; Schiffmann, F; VandeVondele, J. 
 WIREs Comput Mol Sci., 4 (1), 15-25 (2014). 
 CP2K: atomistic simulations of condensed matter systems.

 Marek, A; Blum, V; Johanni, R; Havu, V; Lang, B; Auckenthaler, T;
 Heinecke, A; Bungartz, H; Lederer, H. 
 Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 26 (21), (2014). 
 The ELPA library: scalable parallel eigenvalue solutions for
 electronic structure
 theory and computational science.

 Guidon, M; Hutter, J; VandeVondele, J. 
 Auxiliary Density Matrix Methods for Hartree-Fock Exchange Calculations.

 VandeVondele, J; Hutter, J. 
 JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 127 (11), 114105 (2007). 
 Gaussian basis sets for accurate calculations on molecular systems in
 gas and condensed phases.

 Krack, M. 
 THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY ACCOUNTS, 114 (1-3), 145-152 (2005). 
 Pseudopotentials for H to Kr optimized for gradient-corrected
 exchange-correlation functionals.

 VandeVondele, J; Krack, M; Mohamed, F; Parrinello, M; Chassaing, T;
 Hutter, J. COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS, 167 (2), 103-128 (2005). 
 QUICKSTEP: Fast and accurate density functional calculations using a
 mixed Gaussian and plane waves approach.

 Frigo, M; Johnson, SG. 
 PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, 93 (2), 216-231 (2005). 
 The design and implementation of FFTW3.

 Iannuzzi, M; Chassaing, T; Wallman, T; Hutter, J. 
 CHIMIA, 59 (7-8), 499-503 (2005). 
 Ground and excited state density functional calculations with the
 Gaussian and augmented-plane-wave method.

 VandeVondele, J; Hutter, J. 
 JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 118 (10), 4365-4369 (2003). 
 An efficient orbital transformation method for electronic structure

 Hartwigsen, C; Goedecker, S; Hutter, J. 
 PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 58 (7), 3641-3662 (1998). 
 Relativistic separable dual-space Gaussian pseudopotentials from H to Rn.

 Lippert, G; Hutter, J; Parrinello, M. 
 MOLECULAR PHYSICS, 92 (3), 477-487 (1997). 
 A hybrid Gaussian and plane wave density functional scheme.

 Perdew, JP; Burke, K; Ernzerhof, M. 
 PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 77 (18), 3865-3868 (1996). 
 Generalized gradient approximation made simple.

 Goedecker, S; Teter, M; Hutter, J. 
 PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 54 (3), 1703-1710 (1996). 
 Separable dual-space Gaussian pseudopotentials.

 -                                                                             -
 -                                T I M I N G                                  -
 -                                                                             -
 SUBROUTINE                       CALLS  ASD         SELF TIME        TOTAL TIME
                                MAXIMUM       AVERAGE  MAXIMUM  AVERAGE  MAXIMUM
 CP2K                                 1  1.0    0.017    0.019  372.722  372.722
 qs_energies                          1  2.0    0.001    0.002  372.458  372.459
 qs_energies_properties               1  3.0    0.000    0.000  207.907  207.908
 tddfpt                               1  4.0    0.000    0.001  207.907  207.908
 transfer_rs2pw                     537 10.6    0.003    0.004  201.146  207.883
 transfer_rs2pw_200                 135 11.6    0.200    0.226  200.849  207.674
 mp_sendrecv_dv                   29535 12.6  200.871  207.610  200.871  207.610
 tddfpt_energies                      1  5.0    0.001    0.003  205.731  205.732
 tddfpt_davidson_solver               2  6.0    0.003    0.004  203.917  203.918
 tddfpt_compute_Aop_evects            6  7.0    0.001    0.001  203.579  203.580
 fhxc_kernel                          6  8.0    0.002    0.005  203.442  203.444
 calculate_rho_elec                 134  8.6    0.006    0.011  200.297  200.307
 density_rs2pw                      134  9.6    0.005    0.006  193.611  200.009
 grid_collocate_task_list           134  9.6    6.669  199.150    6.669  199.150
 qs_rho_update_rho_low               98  7.5    0.001    0.004  172.623  172.627
 integrate_v_rspace                  96  9.0    0.003    0.005    5.210  155.257
 mp_alltoall_i22                   1542 11.5  150.314  155.139  150.314  155.139
 grid_integrate_task_list            96 10.0    4.753  154.801    4.753  154.801
 scf_env_do_scf                       1  3.0    0.000    0.001  154.220  154.220
 scf_env_do_scf_inner_loop           36  4.0    0.001    0.006  143.536  143.537
 cp_dbcsr_sm_fm_multiply            249  8.4    0.004    0.006   94.372   97.374
 dbcsr_complete_redistribute       1073 10.5    0.033    0.059   94.090   97.113
 copy_fm_to_dbcsr                   631  9.7    0.002    0.003   93.929   96.955
 qs_ks_update_qs_env                 40  5.0    0.001    0.001   89.296   89.300
 rebuild_ks_matrix                   36  6.0    0.000    0.001   89.292   89.295
 qs_ks_build_kohn_sham_matrix        36  7.0    0.007    0.015   89.292   89.295
 copy_dbcsr_to_fm                   427  9.3    0.006    0.010   56.649   58.459
 dbcsr_desymmetrize_deep            432 10.3    0.007    0.012   56.528   58.340
 sum_up_and_integrate                36  8.0    0.001    0.002    1.967   58.261
 admm_mo_merge_ks_matrix             36  8.0    0.000    0.001   56.403   58.186
 merge_ks_matrix_none                36  9.0    0.001    0.004   56.403   58.186
 admm_mo_calc_rho_aux                36  8.0    0.001    0.003   27.846   27.848
 init_scf_loop                        4  4.0    0.000    0.001   10.682   10.683
 qs_energies_init_hamiltonians        1  3.0    0.000    0.001    8.379    8.379
 qs_env_update_s_mstruct              1  4.0    0.000    0.000    7.998    8.347
 calculate_rho_core                   1  5.0    0.000    0.001    7.997    8.346
 build_core_hamiltonian_matrix        1  4.0    0.000    0.000    0.351    8.314

 The number of warnings for this run is : 3
  **** **** ******  **  PROGRAM ENDED AT                 2024-07-06 21:46:04.667
 ***** ** ***  *** **   PROGRAM RAN ON                                    n01337
 **    ****   ******    PROGRAM RAN BY                                yeesuan623
 ***** **    ** ** **   PROGRAM PROCESS ID                                 78693
  **** **  *******  **  PROGRAM STOPPED IN /es01/yeesuan/yeesuan623/works/xxh/LR
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