[CP2K-user] [CP2K:20427] Two Postdoc positions for atomistic simulations and quantum chemistry

'Robert Schade' via cp2k cp2k at googlegroups.com
Sun Jul 7 19:21:01 UTC 2024

The National High-performance Computing Center (NHR, Germany) and research 
institute Paderborn Center for Parallel Computing (PC2, 
pc2.uni-paderborn.de) is seeking as soon as possible a

*Postdoc as HPC expert (f/m/d) for atomistic simulation - Focus on 
Plane-Wave DFT* (

and a *Postdoc as HPC expert (f/m/d) for quantum chemistry* (

with 100 % of the regular working hours. The positions are initially 
available for 3 years, depending on the qualification achieved to date. 
Details can be found under the links above. In case of questions please 
contact us via pc2-jobs at uni-paderborn.de.

Please submit your application as soon as possible. The job offers will be 
open till suitable candidates are found.

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