[CP2K-user] [CP2K:19856] About the Dirichlet boundary

Lakshmi Anil lakshmianil967 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 31 02:41:28 UTC 2024

Dear All,
I am new to CP2K. I was trying to give an electric field to my Ru metal 
surface(144 atoms)with adsorbed nitrogen. For applying the electric field, 
I used an Implicit Poisson solver and Dirichlet boundary condition are 
used. Unfortunately, I got an error that the Dirichlet extents are outside 
the simulation cell even though I gave the same simulation cell dimension. 
Then, I reduced it to half to check whether it works, but it again gave me 
the same error. Could anyone please help me with that? I am attaching the 
input file as well as the output file for the reference.


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