[CP2K-user] [CP2K:19719] CP2K version 2024.1 released

Ole Schütt ole.schuett at cp2k.org
Wed Jan 10 13:33:48 UTC 2024

Dear CP2K users,

we are pleased to announce the release of the CP2K version 2024.1.

The release notes, source tarball, and a pre-compiled binary are at:


Various container images are available on Docker Hub:


Further information about Git access and Linux distros can be found at:


The corresponding input description can be browsed at:


We invite you to report any issue here on this list. In case of a
confirmed bug please file it at:


The CP2K web page is extended and improved continuously. It includes
many tutorials (e.g. how-to compile CP2K) and an FAQ page:


Developers and users interested in contributing to CP2K may find further
information at:


We hope that you will enjoy this new release!

The CP2K developers team

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