[CP2K-user] [CP2K:20544] AIMD Simulation of Incident EMIBF4 to Gold Surface

Nicholas Laws nicholaslaws8 at gmail.com
Sun Aug 11 21:46:09 UTC 2024

Hi all,

I hope you are all doing well. I am writing to inquire about a simulation 
setup in CP2K that will model the collisional surface interactions between 
an incident EMIBF4 neutral traveling with a known velocity at a gold 
surface. I have attached the input script (collision.inp) and an output 
file (collision.out) generated when the input script is run in CP2K-2024.2. 
It appears that after the initial grid setup, the simulation fails, 
printing "Killed" into the terminal. There is 24 atoms modeling the EMIBF4 
neutral and 1024 atoms modeling the gold surface. I was first wondering, 
what should be edited to the input script to allow this to run as well as 
if there was any particular intuition behind selecting exchange-correlation 
functionals/basis sets. Please let me know if you have any additional 
questions and thank you for the help!

All my best,

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