[CP2K-user] [CP2K:19422] Re: super slow total dipole calculation for Mg2+ compared to Zn2+

Marcella Iannuzzi marci.akira at gmail.com
Tue Oct 24 15:51:20 UTC 2023

Dear Emma, 

If the MOS are localised the Wannier centers are also available and the 
coordinates can be printed by activating the related print_key 



On Tuesday, October 24, 2023 at 5:34:27 PM UTC+2 Emma Rossi wrote:

> Dear Marcella, 
> Thank you very much for your reply.
> Actually, I’m using the Berry phase approach to compute the total dipole 
> of the simulation box, thus I have not Wannier centres from my calculations 
> at the moment.
> I tried several keywords for the minimisation of the wavefunction on 
> single point calculations in gas phase. Conjugate Gradient in combination 
> with the FULL_ALL preconditioner seems to speed up the calculation compared 
> to DIIS and FULL_KINETIC preconditioner. I’ll try to use these 
> settings for the MD in bulk.
> Using larger cutoffs for the electron density makes the calculations even 
> slower. 
> Concerning the band gap, I’ll check whether experimental data are 
> available in the literature to assess the accuracy of my calculations.
> Thank you again for your hints.
> Best ragards,
> Emma Rossi
> Il giorno ven 20 ott 2023 alle 12:49 Marcella Iannuzzi <marci... at gmail.com> 
> ha scritto:
>> Dear Emma,
>> Both Mg and Na have quite hard functions in the basis set, it might be 
>> that the cutoff of 600 Ry is not sufficient.
>> Have you checked  whether the electronic structure is OK (e.g. energy 
>> gap) ? 
>> Often the localisation algorithm shows convergence problems when there 
>> are intrinsically very delocalised  states (see metals).
>> Maybe this is not the problem though. Are the Wannier centres after 
>> localisation at the expected positions ? 
>> Regards
>> Marcella
>> On Friday, October 20, 2023 at 11:09:48 AM UTC+2 Emma Rossi wrote:
>>> Dear developers and CP2K users,
>>> I'm running AIMD simulations and computing the total dipole moment of a 
>>> 15 A cubic box (Berry phase approach) containing water molecules, a 
>>> phosphate chain (-4) and a divalent cation, either Zn2+ or Mg2+. 
>>> For Mg2+, the convergence of the MOs localization process at each step 
>>> is tremendously slower (one/two order of magnitude) compared to the box 
>>> with Zn2+. I cannot figure out the reason of such behaviour. I use the 
>>> default setting for the LOCALIZE section, which employs the JACOBI method.
>>> The -2 net charge of the system is counterbalanced by uniform 
>>> background. 600 Ry cutoff for the auxiliary PW expansion of the electron 
>>> density (500 or 400 Ry are used in the literature for Zn2+ and Mg2+ 
>>> respectively) and BLYP XC are used. DZVP-MOLOPT-SR-GTH-q10 and 
>>> DZVP-MOLOPT-SR-GTH-q12 are used for Mg2+ and Zn2+ respectively.  
>>> I observe a similar slowdown of the MOs localization speed when I use 
>>> Na+ atoms to counterbalance the -2 charge of the system containing Zn2+.
>>> Here a typical input file follows.
>>>  &GLOBAL
>>>    RUN_TYPE  MD
>>>  &MOTION
>>>    &MD
>>>      ENSEMBLE  NVT
>>>      STEPS  100
>>>      TIMESTEP     0.5 
>>>      TEMPERATURE     3.0000000000000000E+02
>>>      TEMP_TOL     5.0000000000000000E+01
>>>      &THERMOSTAT
>>>        TYPE  CSVR
>>>        &CSVR
>>>          TIMECON     2.4999999999999996E+01
>>>        &END CSVR
>>>    &END MD
>>>    METHOD  QS
>>>    &DFT
>>>      CHARGE  -2
>>>      &SCF
>>>        MAX_SCF  100
>>>        EPS_SCF     4.9999999999999998E-07
>>>        &OT  T
>>>          MINIMIZER  DIIS
>>>        &END OT
>>>      &END SCF
>>>      &MGRID
>>>        CUTOFF     6.0000000000000000E+02
>>>      &END MGRID
>>>      &XC
>>>        DENSITY_CUTOFF     1.0000000000000000E-10
>>>        GRADIENT_CUTOFF     1.0000000000000000E-10
>>>        TAU_CUTOFF     1.0000000000000000E-10
>>>        &XC_GRID
>>>          XC_SMOOTH_RHO  NN10
>>>        &END XC_GRID
>>>          &BECKE88  T
>>>          &END BECKE88
>>>          &LYP  T
>>>          &END LYP
>>>        &VDW_POTENTIAL
>>>          &PAIR_POTENTIAL
>>>            R_CUTOFF     8.0000000000000000E+00
>>>            TYPE  DFTD3(BJ)
>>>            PARAMETER_FILE_NAME dftd3.dat
>>>            EPS_CN     1.0000000000000000E-02
>>>            CALCULATE_C9_TERM  T
>>>            REFERENCE_C9_TERM  T
>>>          &END PAIR_POTENTIAL
>>>      &END XC
>>> *     &LOCALIZE  T       &PRINT         &TOTAL_DIPOLE  ON          
>>>  FILENAME =totdipole           PERIODIC  T           &EACH             MD 
>>>  1           &END EACH         &END TOTAL_DIPOLE       &END PRINT     &END 
>>>    &END DFT
>>>    &SUBSYS
>>>      &CELL
>>>        A     1.5460000000000001E+01    0.0000000000000000E+00   
>>>  0.0000000000000000E+00
>>>        B     0.0000000000000000E+00    1.5460000000000001E+01   
>>>  0.0000000000000000E+00
>>>        C     0.0000000000000000E+00    0.0000000000000000E+00   
>>>  1.5460000000000001E+01
>>>        MULTIPLE_UNIT_CELL  1 1 1
>>>      &END CELL
>>>      &KIND O
>>>        POTENTIAL GTH-BLYP-q6
>>>      &END KIND
>>>      &KIND H
>>>        POTENTIAL GTH-BLYP-q1
>>>      &END KIND
>>>      &KIND C
>>>        POTENTIAL GTH-BLYP-q4
>>>      &END KIND
>>>      &KIND P
>>>        POTENTIAL GTH-BLYP-q5
>>>      &END KIND
>>>      &KIND Na
>>>        POTENTIAL GTH-BLYP-q9
>>>      &END KIND
>>>      &KIND Mg
>>>        POTENTIAL GTH-BLYP-q10
>>>      &END KIND
>>>      &TOPOLOGY
>>>        NUMBER_OF_ATOMS  384
>>>        MULTIPLE_UNIT_CELL  1 1 1
>>>      &END TOPOLOGY
>>>    &END SUBSYS
>>> Here a piece of the *file.out* concerning the *localization* is reported
>>>  ENSEMBLE TYPE                =                                         
>>>      NVT
>>>  STEP NUMBER                  =                                         
>>>    48740
>>>  TIME [fs]                    =                                     
>>> 24370.000000
>>>  CONSERVED QUANTITY [hartree] =                             
>>>  -0.234908827385E+04
>>>                                               INSTANTANEOUS             
>>>  CPU TIME [s]                 =                      220.24             
>>>    29.11
>>>  ENERGY DRIFT PER ATOM [K]    =         -0.274167730955E+04 
>>>  -0.106732023761E+04
>>>  POTENTIAL ENERGY[hartree]    =         -0.235022491736E+04 
>>>  -0.234811418791E+04
>>>  KINETIC ENERGY [hartree]     =          0.530388799833E+00   
>>> 0.547854613121E+00
>>>  TEMPERATURE [K]              =                     291.529             
>>>  301.129
>>>  ***************************
>>>  Number of electrons:                                                   
>>>     1070
>>>  Number of occupied orbitals:                                           
>>>      535
>>>  Number of molecular orbitals:                                           
>>>     535
>>>  Number of orbital functions:                                           
>>>     3012
>>>  Number of independent orbital functions:                               
>>>     3012
>>>  Extrapolation method: ASPC
>>>   ----------------------------------- OT 
>>> ---------------------------------------
>>>   Minimizer      : DIIS                : direct inversion
>>>                                          in the iterative subspace
>>>                                          using   7 DIIS vectors
>>>                                          safer DIIS on
>>>   Preconditioner : FULL_KINETIC        : inversion of T + eS
>>>   Precond_solver : DEFAULT
>>>   stepsize       :    0.15000000                  energy_gap     :   
>>>  0.20000000
>>>   eps_taylor     :   0.10000E-15                  max_taylor     :       
>>>       4
>>>   ----------------------------------- OT 
>>> ---------------------------------------
>>>   Step     Update method      Time    Convergence         Total energy   
>>>  Change
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>      1 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    4.9     0.00001365     -2350.2265786077 
>>> -2.35E+03
>>>      2 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    7.0     0.00000785     -2350.2266129356 
>>> -3.43E-05
>>>      3 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    7.0     0.00000667     -2350.2266281036 
>>> -1.52E-05
>>>      4 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    7.0     0.00000316     -2350.2266318502 
>>> -3.75E-06
>>>      5 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    7.1     0.00000285     -2350.2266340790 
>>> -2.23E-06
>>>      6 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    7.0     0.00000168     -2350.2266355491 
>>> -1.47E-06
>>>      7 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    7.1     0.00000158     -2350.2266365271 
>>> -9.78E-07
>>>      8 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    7.0     0.00000079     -2350.2266370647 
>>> -5.38E-07
>>>      9 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    7.1     0.00000054     -2350.2266374235 
>>> -3.59E-07
>>>     10 OT DIIS     0.15E+00    7.0     0.00000041     -2350.2266374897 
>>> -6.63E-08
>>>   * SCF run converged in    10 steps *
>>>   Electronic density on regular grids:      -1069.9999984366       
>>>  0.0000015634
>>>   Core density on regular grids:             1067.9999999649       
>>> -0.0000000351
>>>   Total charge density on r-space grids:       -1.9999984716
>>>   Total charge density g-space grids:          -1.9999984716
>>>   Overlap energy of the core charge distribution:               
>>> 0.00000352123302
>>>   Self energy of the core charge distribution:             
>>>  -6058.29367128599642
>>>   Core Hamiltonian energy:                                   
>>> 1758.83041225385932
>>>   Hartree energy:                                           
>>>  2514.80853697306702
>>>   Exchange-correlation energy:                               
>>> -565.57191895188691
>>>   Total energy:                                             
>>> -2350.22663748972354
>>>  LOCALIZE| The spread relative to a set of orbitals is computed
>>>  LOCALIZE| Orbitals to be localized: All orbitals
>>>  LOCALIZE| If fractional occupation, fully occupied MOs are those
>>>            within occupation tolerance of       0.00000001
>>>  LOCALIZE| Spread defined by the Berry phase operator
>>>  LOCALIZE| Optimal unitary transformation generated by Jacobi algorithm
>>>   Eigenvalues of the occupied subspace spin            1
>>>  ---------------------------------------------
>>>       -2.77340522     -1.55519360     -1.55401616     -1.55312686
>>>       -0.84401306     -0.81554322     -0.80702571     -0.80237237
>>>       -0.80085752     -0.79902548     -0.79112340     -0.79067760
>>>       -0.78889214     -0.78844561     -0.78745096     -0.78661985
>>>       -0.78594483     -0.78398619     -0.78359896     -0.78223867
>>>       -0.78202387     -0.78089859     -0.77900446     -0.77831838
>>>       -0.77761721     -0.77700210     -0.77677871     -0.77654095
>>>       -0.77610461     -0.77529141     -0.77482833     -0.77403370
>>> [.......]
>>>       -0.09177880     -0.09168157     -0.09118981     -0.09045276
>>>       -0.09027640     -0.08911508     -0.08871380     -0.08817562
>>>       -0.08660485     -0.08624312     -0.08399649     -0.08220911
>>>       -0.07894380     -0.07429071     -0.06779908
>>>  Fermi Energy [eV] :   -1.844907
>>>  LOCALIZATION| Computing localization properties for OCCUPIED ORBITALS. 
>>> Spin:  1
>>>     Spread Functional     sum_in -w_i ln(|z_in|^2)    sum_in 
>>> w_i(1-|z_in|^2)
>>>     Initial Spread (Berry) :            203183.2008851338    34522.
>>> 9346453651 <(934)%20645-3651>
>>>     Localization by iterative distributed Jacobi rotation
>>>                       Iteration            Functional         Tolerance 
>>>   Time
>>>                             100        1035.1444747551       0.7611E-01 
>>>   0.145
>>>                             200        1035.1439265702       0.2374E-01 
>>>   0.145
>>>                             300        1035.1438285431       0.2086E-01 
>>>   0.145
>>>                             400        1035.1437772042       0.1457E-01 
>>>   0.155
>>>                             500        1035.1437553092       0.8452E-02 
>>>   0.146
>>>                             600        1035.1437479886       0.4565E-02 
>>>   0.156
>>>                             700        1035.1437457665       0.2413E-02 
>>>   0.144
>>>                             800        1035.1437451192       0.1268E-02 
>>>   0.155
>>>                             900        1035.1437449348       0.6661E-03 
>>>   0.155
>>>                            1000        1035.1437448830       0.3497E-03 
>>>   0.156
>>>                            1100        1035.1437448685       0.1836E-03 
>>>   0.169
>>>     Localization  for spin   1 converged in   1195 iterations
>>>     Spread Functional     sum_in -w_i ln(|z_in|^2)    sum_in 
>>> w_i(1-|z_in|^2)
>>>     Total Spread (Berry) :                1051.8315283360 
>>> <(831)%20528-3360>     1035.1437448646
>>> To check the role of the localization method in such problem, I ran two 
>>> single point calculations, the first using the JACOBI method and the second 
>>> using the CRAZY method to compute the total dipole. The latter makes the 
>>> process even slower.  
>>> I would be very grateful if any of you could give me any insight.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Emma Rossi
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