[CP2K-user] [CP2K:19327] question on using CDFT with different constraints

John Zhang jtravers2023 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 9 16:02:54 UTC 2023

Dear cp2k users and developers

I tried to use cp2k (2023.2) to perform CDFT calculations. I tried the 
example (He+ + H, HeH-cdft-1) supplied with the code distribution. In this 
example, the constraint is defined as
       ATOMS 1..2
       COEFF   1 -1

I can run this example successfully.  In a second try, I modified the 
definition of the constraint following the online tutorial on Zn2+, the 
constraint is defined as
       ATOMS 1
       COEFF   1 
       ATOMS 2

The calculation finished smoothly, but produced different finial energy ( 
-2.626510202989254 vs -2.623351221443904 ). The two cdftlog showed that 
both calculations converged to the desired charge state (see blow). Any 
suggestion on why this is the case and which calculation is correct?

Thanks for your help!



The original constraint definition. 

  --------------------- Becke constraint information ---------------------

  Atomic group                :                                          1

  Type of constraint          :                  Charge density constraint

  Target value of constraint  :                             0.000000000000

  Current value of constraint :                            -0.000025394646

  Deviation from target       :                                 -2.539E-05

  Strength of constraint      :                             0.591096253419


  ------------------------------------------ CDFT atomic charges 

  #Atom  Element   Is_constraint   Core charge    Population (alpha, beta)  
  Net charge      Spin population

      1       He               T         2.000         0.499         0.499 
        1.003                0.000

      2        H               T         1.000         0.499         0.499 
        0.003                0.000

  Total Charge and Spin Moment:                                            
        1.005                0.000

The modified constraint definition

  --------------------- Becke constraint information ---------------------

  Atomic group                :                                          1

  Type of constraint          :                  Charge density constraint

  Target value of constraint  :                             1.000000000000

  Current value of constraint :                             1.000004946096

  Deviation from target       :                                  4.946E-06

  Strength of constraint      :                             1.173800395659


  ------------------------------------------ CDFT atomic charges 

  #Atom  Element   Is_constraint   Core charge    Population (alpha, beta)  
  Net charge      Spin population

      1       He               T         2.000         0.500         0.500   
      1.000                0.000

      2        H               F         1.000         0.497         0.497   
      0.005                0.000

  Total Charge and Spin Moment:                                            
        1.005                0.000

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