[CP2K-user] [CP2K:19584] Re: Error: Parameter ‘mpi_comm_null’ at (1) has not been declared

Frederick Stein f.stein at hzdr.de
Tue Nov 28 12:08:25 UTC 2023

Dear Mikhail,

I suppose you mean OpenMPI 3.1.6 (MPI is just the standard defining an 
interface for parallel programming). Could you post your arch file of the 
parallel build? Did you source the setup file after the toolchain script 
finished? Could you also post the output of `mpifort --version`?


Mikhail Povarnitsyn schrieb am Dienstag, 28. November 2023 um 11:06:14 

> Dear Developers and Users,
> I am attempting to install the latest version, 2023.2, using the GNU 
> compiler (gcc 9.3.0) along with MPI 3.1.6. I employed the toolchain script 
> as follows: './install_cp2k_toolchain.sh'.
> The serial version 'ssmp' has been successfully compiled. However, the 
> compilation of the parallel version 'psmp' failed with the following error: 
> /user/povar/cp2k-2023.2/exts/dbcsr/src/mpi/dbcsr_mpiwrap.F:106:53:
>   106 |    MPI_COMM_TYPE, PARAMETER :: mp_comm_null_handle = MPI_COMM_NULL
>       |                                                     1
> Error: Parameter ‘mpi_comm_null’ at (1) has not been declared or is a 
> variable, which does not reduce to a constant expression
> /user/povar/cp2k-2023.2/exts/dbcsr/src/mpi/dbcsr_mpiwrap.F:107:53:
>   107 |    MPI_COMM_TYPE, PARAMETER :: mp_comm_self_handle = MPI_COMM_SELF
>       |                                                     1
> Error: Parameter ‘mpi_comm_self’ at (1) has not been declared or is a 
> variable, which does not reduce to a constant expression
> /user/povar/cp2k-2023.2/exts/dbcsr/src/mpi/dbcsr_mpiwrap.F:108:54:
>   108 |    MPI_COMM_TYPE, PARAMETER :: mp_comm_world_handle = 
> and other similar errors. 
> Could you please help?
> Best regards
> Mikhail

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