[CP2K-user] [CP2K:19468] CP2K v2023.2 - Spin-Orbit Coupling Calculation

Jie Huang jackhuang.wz at gmail.com
Mon Nov 6 09:04:08 UTC 2023

Dear developers,

I'd like to express my gratitude for your ongoing efforts in developing and 
updating CP2K.

I recently tried out the latest version, CP2K v2023.2, and noticed the 
addition of a new pseudopotential file 'GTH_SOC_POTENTIALS' in the `data` 

I'd like to perform PDOS calculations with spin-orbit coupling (SOC). And I 
modified my input file by using 'POTENTIAL_FILE_NAME GTH_SOC_POTENTIALS' 
instead of 'POTENTIAL_FILE_NAME GTH_POTENTIALS'. The calculations were 
executed without errors. However, I am not sure this is the correct 
procedure to use this feature. Could you please provide some guidance?

Your response would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards, 

Jie Huang

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 WARNING in start/cp2k.F:171 macOS' Accelerate framework has its own threading enabled which may interfere with the OpenMP threading. You can disable the Accelerate threading by setting the environment variable VECLIB_MAXIMUM_THREADS=1
 DBCSR| CPU Multiplication driver                                           BLAS (U)
 DBCSR| Multrec recursion limit                                              512 (U)
 DBCSR| Multiplication stack size                                           1000 (D)
 DBCSR| Maximum elements for images                                    UNLIMITED (U)
 DBCSR| Multiplicative factor virtual images                                   1 (U)
 DBCSR| Use multiplication densification                                       T (D)
 DBCSR| Multiplication size stacks                                             3 (U)
 DBCSR| Use memory pool for CPU allocation                                     F (U)
 DBCSR| Number of 3D layers                                               SINGLE (U)
 DBCSR| Use MPI memory allocation                                              F (U)
 DBCSR| Use RMA algorithm                                                      F (U)
 DBCSR| Use Communication thread                                               T (U)
 DBCSR| Communication thread load                                             53 (D)
 DBCSR| MPI: My process id                                                     0
 DBCSR| MPI: Number of processes                                               1
 DBCSR| OMP: Current number of threads                                        10
 DBCSR| OMP: Max number of threads                                            10
 DBCSR| Split modifier for TAS multiplication algorithm                  1.0E+00 (U)

  **** **** ******  **  PROGRAM STARTED AT               2023-11-06 10:44:41.018
 ***** ** ***  *** **   PROGRAM STARTED ON                            YD9X9CJDV6
 **    ****   ******    PROGRAM STARTED BY                               huangj4
 ***** **    ** ** **   PROGRAM PROCESS ID                                 10168
  **** **  *******  **  PROGRAM STARTED IN                /Users/huangj4/Desktop

 CP2K| version string:                                       CP2K version 2023.2
 CP2K| source code revision number:                                  git:65cca6c
 CP2K| cp2kflags: omp libint fftw3 libxc parallel scalapack no_statm_access acce
 CP2K|            lerate
 CP2K| is freely available from                            https://www.cp2k.org/
 CP2K| Program compiled at                          Tue Oct  3 15:13:42 UTC 2023
 CP2K| Program compiled on                                   Ventura-arm64.local
 CP2K| Program compiled for                                      Darwin-gfortran
 CP2K| Data directory path          /Users/huangj4/.jieprograms/cp2k-2023.2/data
 CP2K| Input file name                                                 input.inp

 GLOBAL| Force Environment number                                              1
 GLOBAL| Basis set file name                                        BASIS_MOLOPT
 GLOBAL| Potential file name                                  GTH_SOC_POTENTIALS
 GLOBAL| MM Potential file name                                     MM_POTENTIAL
 GLOBAL| Coordinate file name                                       pos-last.xyz
 GLOBAL| Method name                                                        CP2K
 GLOBAL| Project name                                                    DOS_Cal
 GLOBAL| Run type                                                         ENERGY
 GLOBAL| FFT library                                                       FFTW3
 GLOBAL| Diagonalization library                                       ScaLAPACK
 GLOBAL| DGEMM library                                                      BLAS
 GLOBAL| Orthonormality check for eigenvectors                          DISABLED
 GLOBAL| Matrix multiplication library                                 ScaLAPACK
 GLOBAL| All-to-all communication in single precision                          F
 GLOBAL| FFTs using library dependent lengths                                  F
 GLOBAL| Grid backend                                                       AUTO
 GLOBAL| Global print level                                               MEDIUM
 GLOBAL| MPI I/O enabled                                                       T
 GLOBAL| Total number of message passing processes                             1
 GLOBAL| Number of threads for this process                                   10
 GLOBAL| This output is from process                                           0
 GLOBAL| Stack size for threads created by OpenMP (OMP_STACKSIZE)        default
 GLOBAL| CPU model name                                                  UNKNOWN

 MEMORY| system memory details [Kb]
 MEMORY|                        rank 0           min           max       average
 MEMORY| MemTotal                    0             0             0             0
 MEMORY| MemFree                     0             0             0             0
 MEMORY| Buffers                     0             0             0             0
 MEMORY| Cached                      0             0             0             0
 MEMORY| Slab                        0             0             0             0
 MEMORY| SReclaimable                0             0             0             0
 MEMORY| MemLikelyFree               0             0             0             0

 *** Fundamental physical constants (SI units) ***

 *** Literature: B. J. Mohr and B. N. Taylor,
 ***             CODATA recommended values of the fundamental physical
 ***             constants: 2006, Web Version 5.1
 ***             http://physics.nist.gov/constants

 Speed of light in vacuum [m/s]                             2.99792458000000E+08
 Magnetic constant or permeability of vacuum [N/A**2]       1.25663706143592E-06
 Electric constant or permittivity of vacuum [F/m]          8.85418781762039E-12
 Planck constant (h) [J*s]                                  6.62606896000000E-34
 Planck constant (h-bar) [J*s]                              1.05457162825177E-34
 Elementary charge [C]                                      1.60217648700000E-19
 Electron mass [kg]                                         9.10938215000000E-31
 Electron g factor [ ]                                     -2.00231930436220E+00
 Proton mass [kg]                                           1.67262163700000E-27
 Fine-structure constant                                    7.29735253760000E-03
 Rydberg constant [1/m]                                     1.09737315685270E+07
 Avogadro constant [1/mol]                                  6.02214179000000E+23
 Boltzmann constant [J/K]                                   1.38065040000000E-23
 Atomic mass unit [kg]                                      1.66053878200000E-27
 Bohr radius [m]                                            5.29177208590000E-11

 *** Conversion factors ***

 [u] -> [a.u.]                                              1.82288848426455E+03
 [Angstrom] -> [Bohr] = [a.u.]                              1.88972613288564E+00
 [a.u.] = [Bohr] -> [Angstrom]                              5.29177208590000E-01
 [a.u.] -> [s]                                              2.41888432650478E-17
 [a.u.] -> [fs]                                             2.41888432650478E-02
 [a.u.] -> [J]                                              4.35974393937059E-18
 [a.u.] -> [N]                                              8.23872205491840E-08
 [a.u.] -> [K]                                              3.15774647902944E+05
 [a.u.] -> [kJ/mol]                                         2.62549961709828E+03
 [a.u.] -> [kcal/mol]                                       6.27509468713739E+02
 [a.u.] -> [Pa]                                             2.94210107994716E+13
 [a.u.] -> [bar]                                            2.94210107994716E+08
 [a.u.] -> [atm]                                            2.90362800883016E+08
 [a.u.] -> [eV]                                             2.72113838565563E+01
 [a.u.] -> [Hz]                                             6.57968392072181E+15
 [a.u.] -> [1/cm] (wave numbers)                            2.19474631370540E+05
 [a.u./Bohr**2] -> [1/cm]                                   5.14048714338585E+03

 CELL_TOP| Volume [angstrom^3]:                                     30035.990338
 CELL_TOP| Vector a [angstrom    31.790     0.000     0.000   |a| =    31.790001
 CELL_TOP| Vector b [angstrom     0.000    31.090     0.000   |b| =    31.090000
 CELL_TOP| Vector c [angstrom     0.000     0.000    30.390   |c| =    30.389999
 CELL_TOP| Angle (b,c), alpha [degree]:                                90.000000
 CELL_TOP| Angle (a,c), beta  [degree]:                                90.000000
 CELL_TOP| Angle (a,b), gamma [degree]:                                90.000000
 CELL_TOP| Numerically orthorhombic:                                         YES
 CELL_TOP| Periodicity                                                      NONE

 GENERATE|  Preliminary Number of Bonds generated:                             0
 GENERATE|  Achieved consistency in connectivity generation.

 CELL| Volume [angstrom^3]:                                         30035.990338
 CELL| Vector a [angstrom]:      31.790     0.000     0.000   |a| =    31.790001
 CELL| Vector b [angstrom]:       0.000    31.090     0.000   |b| =    31.090000
 CELL| Vector c [angstrom]:       0.000     0.000    30.390   |c| =    30.389999
 CELL| Angle (b,c), alpha [degree]:                                    90.000000
 CELL| Angle (a,c), beta  [degree]:                                    90.000000
 CELL| Angle (a,b), gamma [degree]:                                    90.000000
 CELL| Numerically orthorhombic:                                             YES
 CELL| Periodicity                                                          NONE

 CELL_REF| Volume [angstrom^3]:                                     30035.990338
 CELL_REF| Vector a [angstrom    31.790     0.000     0.000   |a| =    31.790001
 CELL_REF| Vector b [angstrom     0.000    31.090     0.000   |b| =    31.090000
 CELL_REF| Vector c [angstrom     0.000     0.000    30.390   |c| =    30.389999
 CELL_REF| Angle (b,c), alpha [degree]:                                90.000000
 CELL_REF| Angle (a,c), beta  [degree]:                                90.000000
 CELL_REF| Angle (a,b), gamma [degree]:                                90.000000
 CELL_REF| Numerically orthorhombic:                                         YES
 CELL_REF| Periodicity                                                      NONE

 **                                                                           **
 **     #####                         ##              ##                      **
 **    ##   ##            ##          ##              ##                      **
 **   ##     ##                       ##            ######                    **
 **   ##     ##  ##   ##  ##   #####  ##  ##   ####   ##    #####    #####    **
 **   ##     ##  ##   ##  ##  ##      ## ##   ##      ##   ##   ##  ##   ##   **
 **   ##  ## ##  ##   ##  ##  ##      ####     ###    ##   ######   ######    **
 **    ##  ###   ##   ##  ##  ##      ## ##      ##   ##   ##       ##        **
 **     #######   #####   ##   #####  ##  ##  ####    ##    #####   ##        **
 **           ##                                                    ##        **
 **                                                                           **
 **                                                ... make the atoms dance   **
 **                                                                           **
 **            Copyright (C) by CP2K developers group (2000-2023)             **
 **                      J. Chem. Phys. 152, 194103 (2020)                    **
 **                                                                           **

 *** WARNING in qs_environment.F:1503 :: More ADDED_MOs requested for beta ***
 *** spin than available.                                                  ***

 *** WARNING in qs_environment.F:1519 :: More added MOs requested than     ***
 *** available. The full set of unoccupied MOs will be used. Use           ***
 *** 'ADDED_MOS -1' to always use all available MOs and to get rid of this ***
 *** warning.                                                              ***

 DFT| Spin unrestricted (spin-polarized) Kohn-Sham calculation               UKS
 DFT| Multiplicity                                                             2
 DFT| Number of spin states                                                    2
 DFT| Charge                                                                   0
 DFT| Self-interaction correction (SIC)                                       NO
 DFT| Cutoffs: density                                              1.000000E-10
 DFT|          gradient                                             1.000000E-10
 DFT|          tau                                                  1.000000E-10
 DFT|          cutoff_smoothing_range                               0.000000E+00
 DFT| XC density smoothing                                                  NONE
 DFT| XC derivatives                                                          PW

 FUNCTIONAL| J.P.Perdew, K.Burke, M.Ernzerhof, Phys. Rev. Letter, vol. 77, n 18,
 FUNCTIONAL|  pp. 3865-3868, (1996){spin polarized}                             

 vdW POTENTIAL|                                                   Pair Potential
 vdW POTENTIAL|          DFT-D3 (Version 3.1)
 vdW POTENTIAL|          Potential Form: S. Grimme et al, JCP 132: 154104 (2010)
 vdW POTENTIAL|          Zero Damping
 vdW POTENTIAL|          Cutoff Radius [Bohr]:                             20.00
 vdW POTENTIAL|          s6 Scaling Factor:                               1.0000
 vdW POTENTIAL|          sr6 Scaling Factor:                              1.2170
 vdW POTENTIAL|          s8 Scaling Factor:                               0.7220
 vdW POTENTIAL|          Cutoff for CN calculation:                   0.1000E-05

 QS| Method:                                                                 GPW
 QS| Density plane wave grid type                        NON-SPHERICAL FULLSPACE
 QS| Number of grid levels:                                                    4
 QS| Density cutoff [a.u.]:                                                110.0
 QS| Multi grid cutoff [a.u.]: 1) grid level                               110.0
 QS|                           2) grid level                                36.7
 QS|                           3) grid level                                12.2
 QS|                           4) grid level                                 4.1
 QS| Grid level progression factor:                                          3.0
 QS| Relative density cutoff [a.u.]:                                        30.0
 QS| Interaction thresholds: eps_pgf_orb:                                1.0E-05
 QS|                         eps_filter_matrix:                          0.0E+00
 QS|                         eps_core_charge:                            1.0E-12
 QS|                         eps_rho_gspace:                             1.0E-10
 QS|                         eps_rho_rspace:                             1.0E-10
 QS|                         eps_gvg_rspace:                             1.0E-05
 QS|                         eps_ppl:                                    1.0E-02
 QS|                         eps_ppnl:                                   1.0E-07


  1. Atomic kind: I                                     Number of atoms:      36

     Orbital Basis Set                                         SZV-MOLOPT-SR-GTH

       Number of orbital shell sets:                                           1
       Number of orbital shells:                                               2
       Number of primitive Cartesian functions:                                5
       Number of Cartesian basis functions:                                    4
       Number of spherical basis functions:                                    4
       Norm type:                                                              2

       Normalised Cartesian orbitals:

                        Set   Shell   Orbital            Exponent    Coefficient

                          1       1    2s                0.966173      -0.369082
                                                         0.828886      -0.032154
                                                         0.367159       0.255166
                                                         0.201369       0.106471
                                                         0.083015       0.018311

                          1       2    3px               0.966173      -1.009678
                                                         0.828886       0.783764
                                                         0.367159       0.107863
                                                         0.201369       0.101262
                                                         0.083015       0.016495
                          1       2    3py               0.966173      -1.009678
                                                         0.828886       0.783764
                                                         0.367159       0.107863
                                                         0.201369       0.101262
                                                         0.083015       0.016495
                          1       2    3pz               0.966173      -1.009678
                                                         0.828886       0.783764
                                                         0.367159       0.107863
                                                         0.201369       0.101262
                                                         0.083015       0.016495

       Atomic covalent radius [Angstrom]:                                  1.330

       Atomic van der Waals radius [Angstrom]:                             1.980

     GTH Potential information for                                       GTH-PBE

       Description:                       Goedecker-Teter-Hutter pseudopotential
                                           Goedecker et al., PRB 54, 1703 (1996)
                                          Hartwigsen et al., PRB 58, 3641 (1998)
                                                      Krack, TCA 114, 145 (2005)

       Gaussian exponent of the core charge distribution:               1.594388
       Electronic configuration (s p d ...):                               2   5

       Parameters of the local part of the GTH pseudopotential:

                          rloc        C1          C2          C3          C4
                        0.560000    8.207102

       Parameters of the non-local part of the GTH (SOC) pseudopotential:

                   l      r(l)      h(i,j,l)
                   0    0.531928    2.308146    1.003909   -0.959156
                                    1.003909   -2.856109    2.476530
                                   -0.959156    2.476530   -1.965685
                   1    0.589182    0.906482    0.425071
                                    0.425071   -0.502950
                                    0.275693   -0.106307
                                   -0.106307    0.125784
                   2    0.739721    0.479195

  2. Atomic kind: Pb                                    Number of atoms:       8

     Orbital Basis Set                                         SZV-MOLOPT-SR-GTH

       Number of orbital shell sets:                                           1
       Number of orbital shells:                                               2
       Number of primitive Cartesian functions:                                5
       Number of Cartesian basis functions:                                    4
       Number of spherical basis functions:                                    4
       Norm type:                                                              2

       Normalised Cartesian orbitals:

                        Set   Shell   Orbital            Exponent    Coefficient

                          1       1    2s                1.933598      -0.156134
                                                         0.981425       0.419979
                                                         0.222223      -0.230246
                                                         0.077759      -0.022545
                                                         0.073968      -0.008640

                          1       2    3px               1.933598       0.064608
                                                         0.981425      -0.243154
                                                         0.222223       0.142297
                                                         0.077759       0.018505
                                                         0.073968       0.009435
                          1       2    3py               1.933598       0.064608
                                                         0.981425      -0.243154
                                                         0.222223       0.142297
                                                         0.077759       0.018505
                                                         0.073968       0.009435
                          1       2    3pz               1.933598       0.064608
                                                         0.981425      -0.243154
                                                         0.222223       0.142297
                                                         0.077759       0.018505
                                                         0.073968       0.009435

       Atomic covalent radius [Angstrom]:                                  1.470

       Atomic van der Waals radius [Angstrom]:                             2.020

     GTH Potential information for                                       GTH-PBE

       Description:                       Goedecker-Teter-Hutter pseudopotential
                                           Goedecker et al., PRB 54, 1703 (1996)
                                          Hartwigsen et al., PRB 58, 3641 (1998)
                                                      Krack, TCA 114, 145 (2005)

       Gaussian exponent of the core charge distribution:               1.311282
       Electronic configuration (s p d ...):                               2   2

       Parameters of the local part of the GTH pseudopotential:

                          rloc        C1          C2          C3          C4
                        0.617500    4.672384

       Parameters of the non-local part of the GTH (SOC) pseudopotential:

                   l      r(l)      h(i,j,l)
                   0    0.622359    0.879918    2.081148   -1.431257
                                    2.081148   -5.014690    3.695490
                                   -1.431257    3.695490   -2.933204
                   1    0.812002    0.153457    0.478898
                                    0.478898   -0.566640
                                    0.274670   -0.023058
                                   -0.023058    0.027283
                   2    1.025015    0.301702

  3. Atomic kind: C                                     Number of atoms:       7

     Orbital Basis Set                                            SZV-MOLOPT-GTH

       Number of orbital shell sets:                                           1
       Number of orbital shells:                                               2
       Number of primitive Cartesian functions:                                7
       Number of Cartesian basis functions:                                    4
       Number of spherical basis functions:                                    4
       Norm type:                                                              2

       Normalised Cartesian orbitals:

                        Set   Shell   Orbital            Exponent    Coefficient

                          1       1    2s                6.132625      -0.263661
                                                         2.625196      -0.231112
                                                         1.045457       0.042712
                                                         0.478316       0.306085
                                                         0.178617       0.065483
                                                         0.075145       0.000568
                                                         0.030287       0.000417

                          1       2    3px               6.132625       0.562677
                                                         2.625196       0.633910
                                                         1.045457       0.379157
                                                         0.478316       0.235193
                                                         0.178617       0.052379
                                                         0.075145       0.003677
                                                         0.030287       0.000105
                          1       2    3py               6.132625       0.562677
                                                         2.625196       0.633910
                                                         1.045457       0.379157
                                                         0.478316       0.235193
                                                         0.178617       0.052379
                                                         0.075145       0.003677
                                                         0.030287       0.000105
                          1       2    3pz               6.132625       0.562677
                                                         2.625196       0.633910
                                                         1.045457       0.379157
                                                         0.478316       0.235193
                                                         0.178617       0.052379
                                                         0.075145       0.003677
                                                         0.030287       0.000105

       Atomic covalent radius [Angstrom]:                                  0.770

       Atomic van der Waals radius [Angstrom]:                             1.700

     GTH Potential information for                                       GTH-PBE

       Description:                       Goedecker-Teter-Hutter pseudopotential
                                           Goedecker et al., PRB 54, 1703 (1996)
                                          Hartwigsen et al., PRB 58, 3641 (1998)
                                                      Krack, TCA 114, 145 (2005)

       Gaussian exponent of the core charge distribution:               4.364419
       Electronic configuration (s p d ...):                               2   2

       Parameters of the local part of the GTH pseudopotential:

                          rloc        C1          C2          C3          C4
                        0.338471   -8.803674    1.339211

       Parameters of the non-local part of the GTH (SOC) pseudopotential:

                   l      r(l)      h(i,j,l)
                   0    0.302576    9.622487
                   1    0.291507    0.000000

  4. Atomic kind: N                                     Number of atoms:       7

     Orbital Basis Set                                            SZV-MOLOPT-GTH

       Number of orbital shell sets:                                           1
       Number of orbital shells:                                               2
       Number of primitive Cartesian functions:                                7
       Number of Cartesian basis functions:                                    4
       Number of spherical basis functions:                                    4
       Norm type:                                                              2

       Normalised Cartesian orbitals:

                        Set   Shell   Orbital            Exponent    Coefficient

                          1       1    2s                9.042730      -0.237404
                                                         3.882225      -0.265910
                                                         1.512880       0.102064
                                                         0.586631       0.295369
                                                         0.222851       0.088647
                                                         0.084583       0.003860
                                                         0.039194       0.000722

                          1       2    3px               9.042730       0.822162
                                                         3.882225       0.990771
                                                         1.512880       0.665657
                                                         0.586631       0.321705
                                                         0.222851       0.063706
                                                         0.084583       0.004155
                                                         0.039194      -0.000005
                          1       2    3py               9.042730       0.822162
                                                         3.882225       0.990771
                                                         1.512880       0.665657
                                                         0.586631       0.321705
                                                         0.222851       0.063706
                                                         0.084583       0.004155
                                                         0.039194      -0.000005
                          1       2    3pz               9.042730       0.822162
                                                         3.882225       0.990771
                                                         1.512880       0.665657
                                                         0.586631       0.321705
                                                         0.222851       0.063706
                                                         0.084583       0.004155
                                                         0.039194      -0.000005

       Atomic covalent radius [Angstrom]:                                  0.750

       Atomic van der Waals radius [Angstrom]:                             1.550

     GTH Potential information for                                       GTH-PBE

       Description:                       Goedecker-Teter-Hutter pseudopotential
                                           Goedecker et al., PRB 54, 1703 (1996)
                                          Hartwigsen et al., PRB 58, 3641 (1998)
                                                      Krack, TCA 114, 145 (2005)

       Gaussian exponent of the core charge distribution:               6.208322
       Electronic configuration (s p d ...):                               2   3

       Parameters of the local part of the GTH pseudopotential:

                          rloc        C1          C2          C3          C4
                        0.283791  -12.415226    1.868096

       Parameters of the non-local part of the GTH (SOC) pseudopotential:

                   l      r(l)      h(i,j,l)
                   0    0.255405   13.630263
                   1    0.245495    0.000000

  5. Atomic kind: H                                     Number of atoms:      42

     Orbital Basis Set                                            SZV-MOLOPT-GTH

       Number of orbital shell sets:                                           1
       Number of orbital shells:                                               1
       Number of primitive Cartesian functions:                                7
       Number of Cartesian basis functions:                                    1
       Number of spherical basis functions:                                    1
       Norm type:                                                              2

       Normalised Cartesian orbitals:

                        Set   Shell   Orbital            Exponent    Coefficient

                          1       1    2s               11.478000       0.129129
                                                         3.700759       0.177012
                                                         1.446884       0.141285
                                                         0.716815       0.245670
                                                         0.247919       0.094768
                                                         0.066918       0.004062
                                                         0.021708      -0.000053

       Atomic covalent radius [Angstrom]:                                  0.320

       Atomic van der Waals radius [Angstrom]:                             1.090

     GTH Potential information for                                    GTH-PBE-q1

       Description:                       Goedecker-Teter-Hutter pseudopotential
                                           Goedecker et al., PRB 54, 1703 (1996)
                                          Hartwigsen et al., PRB 58, 3641 (1998)
                                                      Krack, TCA 114, 145 (2005)

       Gaussian exponent of the core charge distribution:              12.500000
       Electronic configuration (s p d ...):                                   1

       Parameters of the local part of the GTH pseudopotential:

                          rloc        C1          C2          C3          C4
                        0.200000   -4.178900    0.724463


 All atoms are their own molecule, skipping detailed information


  Total number of            - Atomic kinds:                                   5
                             - Atoms:                                        100
                             - Shell sets:                                   100
                             - Shells:                                       158
                             - Primitive Cartesian functions:                612
                             - Cartesian basis functions:                    274
                             - Spherical basis functions:                    274

  Maximum angular momentum of- Orbital basis functions:                        1
                             - Local part of the GTH pseudopotential:          2
                             - Non-local part of the GTH pseudopotential:      4


   Atom Kind Element         X             Y             Z       Z(eff)     Mass
      1    1 I    53     12.496621     12.654437      8.634853   7.0000 126.9045
      2    1 I    53     18.656492     13.111580      8.687570   7.0000 126.9045
      3    1 I    53     12.042565     18.868528      8.805586   7.0000 126.9045
      4    1 I    53     19.121316     18.490931      8.601100   7.0000 126.9045
      5    1 I    53     11.937457      9.542900     12.104321   7.0000 126.9045
      6    1 I    53     19.233504      9.635541     11.823570   7.0000 126.9045
      7    1 I    53      9.183904     13.005973     11.824229   7.0000 126.9045
      8    1 I    53     12.259804     12.813077     14.997043   7.0000 126.9045
      9    1 I    53     12.540773     15.812022     11.997676   7.0000 126.9045
     10    1 I    53     15.429312     12.243948     11.855115   7.0000 126.9045
     11    1 I    53     18.526634     12.590667     15.023277   7.0000 126.9045
     12    1 I    53     18.101831     15.890781     12.135310   7.0000 126.9045
     13    1 I    53     21.981744     13.349210     11.722070   7.0000 126.9045
     14    1 I    53      9.036791     18.913248     12.093639   7.0000 126.9045
     15    1 I    53     12.333447     18.794682     15.044903   7.0000 126.9045
     16    1 I    53     12.035890     22.386184     11.939267   7.0000 126.9045
     17    1 I    53     15.438280     19.139449     11.715724   7.0000 126.9045
     18    1 I    53     18.849635     19.099879     14.962004   7.0000 126.9045
     19    1 I    53     19.179447     22.565655     11.708313   7.0000 126.9045
     20    1 I    53     21.658646     18.651908     11.086079   7.0000 126.9045
     21    1 I    53     12.374664      9.372348     18.022893   7.0000 126.9045
     22    1 I    53     17.705468      9.290018     18.100760   7.0000 126.9045
     23    1 I    53      9.258531     12.786749     18.079509   7.0000 126.9045
     24    1 I    53     12.392226     12.483619     21.292056   7.0000 126.9045
     25    1 I    53     12.815180     15.610629     18.267637   7.0000 126.9045
     26    1 I    53     15.620596     12.328530     18.093189   7.0000 126.9045
     27    1 I    53     19.105749     12.791429     21.453953   7.0000 126.9045
     28    1 I    53     18.574134     15.797365     18.262112   7.0000 126.9045
     29    1 I    53     22.347073     13.165602     18.001693   7.0000 126.9045
     30    1 I    53      9.372338     18.808898     18.140074   7.0000 126.9045
     31    1 I    53     12.494812     18.947622     21.112524   7.0000 126.9045
     32    1 I    53     11.889654     22.962971     17.892003   7.0000 126.9045
     33    1 I    53     15.541072     19.077856     17.947696   7.0000 126.9045
     34    1 I    53     18.827469     18.581959     21.485644   7.0000 126.9045
     35    1 I    53     18.246081     22.506328     18.523302   7.0000 126.9045
     36    1 I    53     21.928747     19.209121     18.206077   7.0000 126.9045
     37    2 Pb   82     12.288634     12.553080     11.655591   4.0000 207.2000
     38    2 Pb   82     19.001226     12.830609     11.725026   4.0000 207.2000
     39    2 Pb   82     12.067157     19.159211     11.810655   4.0000 207.2000
     40    2 Pb   82     18.573131     19.410647     11.810174   4.0000 207.2000
     41    2 Pb   82     12.411864     12.465404     18.205076   4.0000 207.2000
     42    2 Pb   82     19.307770     12.810422     18.368030   4.0000 207.2000
     43    2 Pb   82     12.323634     19.732158     18.150948   4.0000 207.2000
     44    2 Pb   82     18.850152     19.333353     18.537871   4.0000 207.2000
     45    3 C     6     14.984009     15.847537      8.429827   4.0000  12.0107
     46    3 C     6     15.027014      9.036860     14.440926   4.0000  12.0107
     47    3 C     6      8.912322     15.621883     14.886764   4.0000  12.0107
     48    3 C     6     15.183008     15.623330     14.838496   4.0000  12.0107
     49    3 C     6     21.428268     15.741817     14.836206   4.0000  12.0107
     50    3 C     6     15.170396     21.657981     14.869051   4.0000  12.0107
     51    3 C     6     15.459562     15.623261     21.118428   4.0000  12.0107
     52    4 N     7     16.416470     15.838299      9.061522   5.0000  14.0067
     53    4 N     7     16.557587      8.966907     14.807260   5.0000  14.0067
     54    4 N     7     10.353036     15.738058     15.501714   5.0000  14.0067
     55    4 N     7     16.645932     15.619385     15.390556   5.0000  14.0067
     56    4 N     7     22.919514     15.859215     15.272338   5.0000  14.0067
     57    4 N     7     16.648074     21.665537     15.388604   5.0000  14.0067
     58    4 N     7     16.735547     15.680666     22.032908   5.0000  14.0067
     59    5 H     1     15.102458     15.800509      7.374041   1.0000   1.0079
     60    5 H     1     14.494233     16.747728      8.718844   1.0000   1.0079
     61    5 H     1     14.457973     15.001124      8.798771   1.0000   1.0079
     62    5 H     1     16.987401     16.643902      8.729695   1.0000   1.0079
     63    5 H     1     16.935453     14.955006      8.820416   1.0000   1.0079
     64    5 H     1     16.379966     15.895625     10.103385   1.0000   1.0079
     65    5 H     1     14.960093      9.027208     13.378433   1.0000   1.0079
     66    5 H     1     14.616770      9.933609     14.840094   1.0000   1.0079
     67    5 H     1     14.550796      8.181091     14.856893   1.0000   1.0079
     68    5 H     1     17.031551      9.829683     14.471740   1.0000   1.0079
     69    5 H     1     16.981226      8.127029     14.339159   1.0000   1.0079
     70    5 H     1     16.685570      8.907710     15.848363   1.0000   1.0079
     71    5 H     1      8.988229     15.652478     13.826596   1.0000   1.0079
     72    5 H     1      8.305155     16.428509     15.229960   1.0000   1.0079
     73    5 H     1      8.487533     14.700185     15.193886   1.0000   1.0079
     74    5 H     1     10.818546     16.622369     15.180304   1.0000   1.0079
     75    5 H     1     10.926803     14.902691     15.220351   1.0000   1.0079
     76    5 H     1     10.284569     15.765202     16.537592   1.0000   1.0079
     77    5 H     1     15.240545     15.554237     13.779148   1.0000   1.0079
     78    5 H     1     14.713276     16.529999     15.135453   1.0000   1.0079
     79    5 H     1     14.679781     14.780921     15.244225   1.0000   1.0079
     80    5 H     1     17.215314     16.351749     14.919781   1.0000   1.0079
     81    5 H     1     17.110364     14.695798     15.201988   1.0000   1.0079
     82    5 H     1     16.685125     15.783834     16.418666   1.0000   1.0079
     83    5 H     1     21.419346     15.571384     13.788824   1.0000   1.0079
     84    5 H     1     20.956934     16.671540     15.045097   1.0000   1.0079
     85    5 H     1     20.949002     14.949242     15.344026   1.0000   1.0079
     86    5 H     1     23.484846     16.592254     14.607375   1.0000   1.0079
     87    5 H     1     23.358030     14.917343     15.230676   1.0000   1.0079
     88    5 H     1     22.974584     16.167182     16.239629   1.0000   1.0079
     89    5 H     1     15.197010     21.497842     13.818039   1.0000   1.0079
     90    5 H     1     14.711739     22.582766     15.119113   1.0000   1.0079
     91    5 H     1     14.673914     20.846734     15.346480   1.0000   1.0079
     92    5 H     1     17.216525     22.377120     14.901181   1.0000   1.0079
     93    5 H     1     17.126768     20.732776     15.222391   1.0000   1.0079
     94    5 H     1     16.714381     21.847734     16.420691   1.0000   1.0079
     95    5 H     1     15.800028     15.472735     20.116121   1.0000   1.0079
     96    5 H     1     14.931118     16.540064     21.221025   1.0000   1.0079
     97    5 H     1     14.867714     14.797808     21.433351   1.0000   1.0079
     98    5 H     1     17.380874     16.431345     21.694793   1.0000   1.0079
     99    5 H     1     17.248353     14.771114     22.023859   1.0000   1.0079
    100    5 H     1     16.449138     15.957201     23.015958   1.0000   1.0079

 SCF PARAMETERS         Density guess:                                    ATOMIC
                        max_scf:                                             500
                        max_scf_history:                                       0
                        max_diis:                                              4
                        eps_scf:                                        1.00E-06
                        eps_scf_history:                                0.00E+00
                        eps_diis:                                       1.00E-01
                        eps_eigval:                                     1.00E-05
                        level_shift [a.u.]:                             0.000000
                        added MOs                                        79   80
                        Mixing method:                            BROYDEN_MIXING
                                                charge density mixing in g-space
                        No outer SCF

 PW_GRID| Information for grid number                                          1
 PW_GRID| Cutoff [a.u.]                                                    110.0
 PW_GRID| spherical cutoff:                                                   NO
 PW_GRID|   Bounds   1           -144     143                Points:         288
 PW_GRID|   Bounds   2           -144     143                Points:         288
 PW_GRID|   Bounds   3           -144     143                Points:         288
 PW_GRID| Volume element (a.u.^3)  0.8485E-02     Volume (a.u.^3)    202692.9123
 PW_GRID| Grid span                                                    FULLSPACE

 PW_GRID| Information for grid number                                          2
 PW_GRID| Number of the reference grid                                         1
 PW_GRID| Cutoff [a.u.]                                                     36.7
 PW_GRID| spherical cutoff:                                                   NO
 PW_GRID|   Bounds   1            -90      89                Points:         180
 PW_GRID|   Bounds   2            -81      80                Points:         162
 PW_GRID|   Bounds   3            -80      79                Points:         160
 PW_GRID| Volume element (a.u.^3)  0.4344E-01     Volume (a.u.^3)    202692.9123
 PW_GRID| Grid span                                                    FULLSPACE

 PW_GRID| Information for grid number                                          3
 PW_GRID| Number of the reference grid                                         1
 PW_GRID| Cutoff [a.u.]                                                     12.2
 PW_GRID| spherical cutoff:                                                   NO
 PW_GRID|   Bounds   1            -48      47                Points:          96
 PW_GRID|   Bounds   2            -48      47                Points:          96
 PW_GRID|   Bounds   3            -48      47                Points:          96
 PW_GRID| Volume element (a.u.^3)  0.2291         Volume (a.u.^3)    202692.9123
 PW_GRID| Grid span                                                    FULLSPACE

 PW_GRID| Information for grid number                                          4
 PW_GRID| Number of the reference grid                                         1
 PW_GRID| Cutoff [a.u.]                                                      4.1
 PW_GRID| spherical cutoff:                                                   NO
 PW_GRID|   Bounds   1            -30      29                Points:          60
 PW_GRID|   Bounds   2            -27      26                Points:          54
 PW_GRID|   Bounds   3            -27      26                Points:          54
 PW_GRID| Volume element (a.u.^3)   1.159         Volume (a.u.^3)    202692.9123
 PW_GRID| Grid span                                                    FULLSPACE

 POISSON| Solver                                                        PERIODIC
 POISSON| Periodicity                                                        XYZ

 *** WARNING in pw_env_methods.F:738 :: The selected periodicities in the ***
 *** sections &CELL and &POISSON do not match                             ***

 RS_GRID| Information for grid number                                          1
 RS_GRID|   Bounds   1           -144     143                Points:         288
 RS_GRID|   Bounds   2           -144     143                Points:         288
 RS_GRID|   Bounds   3           -144     143                Points:         288

 RS_GRID| Information for grid number                                          2
 RS_GRID|   Bounds   1            -90      89                Points:         180
 RS_GRID|   Bounds   2            -81      80                Points:         162
 RS_GRID|   Bounds   3            -80      79                Points:         160

 RS_GRID| Information for grid number                                          3
 RS_GRID|   Bounds   1            -48      47                Points:          96
 RS_GRID|   Bounds   2            -48      47                Points:          96
 RS_GRID|   Bounds   3            -48      47                Points:          96

 RS_GRID| Information for grid number                                          4
 RS_GRID|   Bounds   1            -30      29                Points:          60
 RS_GRID|   Bounds   2            -27      26                Points:          54
 RS_GRID|   Bounds   3            -27      26                Points:          54

 Spin 1

 Number of electrons:                                                        195
 Number of occupied orbitals:                                                195
 Number of molecular orbitals:                                               274

 Spin 2

 Number of electrons:                                                        194
 Number of occupied orbitals:                                                194
 Number of molecular orbitals:                                               274

 Number of orbital functions:                                                274
 Number of independent orbital functions:                                    274

 Extrapolation method: initial_guess

 Atomic guess: The first density matrix is obtained in terms of atomic orbitals
               and electronic configurations assigned to each atomic kind

 Guess for atomic kind: I

 Electronic structure
    Total number of core electrons                                         46.00
    Total number of valence electrons                                       7.00
    Total number of electrons                                              53.00
    Multiplicity                                                   not specified
    S   [  2.00  2.00  2.00  2.00] 2.00
    P   [  6.00  6.00  6.00] 5.00
    D   [ 10.00 10.00]

                  Iteration          Convergence                     Energy [au]
                          1         0.00000                     -11.281006293251

 Energy components [Hartree]           Total Energy ::          -11.281006293251
                                        Band Energy ::           -4.827239200000
                                     Kinetic Energy ::            3.405545064965
                                   Potential Energy ::          -14.686551358215
                                      Virial (-V/T) ::            4.312540600125
                                        Core Energy ::          -18.787370753201
                                          XC Energy ::           -2.181900935197
                                     Coulomb Energy ::            9.688265395148
                       Total Pseudopotential Energy ::          -22.268091755868
                       Local Pseudopotential Energy ::          -22.909338972733
                    Nonlocal Pseudopotential Energy ::            0.641247216865
                                        Confinement ::            0.751759377024

 Orbital energies  State     L     Occupation   Energy[a.u.]          Energy[eV]

                       1     0          2.000      -1.015423          -27.631065

                       1     1          5.000      -0.559279          -15.218746

 Total Electron Density at R=0:                                         0.000906

 Guess for atomic kind: Pb

 Electronic structure
    Total number of core electrons                                         78.00
    Total number of valence electrons                                       4.00
    Total number of electrons                                              82.00
    Multiplicity                                                   not specified
    S   [  2.00  2.00  2.00  2.00  2.00] 2.00
    P   [  6.00  6.00  6.00  6.00] 2.00
    D   [ 10.00 10.00 10.00]
    F   [ 14.00]

                  Iteration          Convergence                     Energy [au]
                          1         0.00000                      -3.334488567620

 Energy components [Hartree]           Total Energy ::           -3.334488567620
                                        Band Energy ::           -2.493053560830
                                     Kinetic Energy ::            1.362411891253
                                   Potential Energy ::           -4.696900458872
                                      Virial (-V/T) ::            3.447489330524
                                        Core Energy ::           -5.179275754156
                                          XC Energy ::           -0.936836278773
                                     Coulomb Energy ::            2.781623465309
                       Total Pseudopotential Energy ::           -6.595268847800
                       Local Pseudopotential Energy ::           -6.599860737731
                    Nonlocal Pseudopotential Energy ::            0.004591889931
                                        Confinement ::            0.535812023919

 Orbital energies  State     L     Occupation   Energy[a.u.]          Energy[eV]

                       1     0          2.000      -0.814587          -22.166042

                       1     1          2.000      -0.431940          -11.753677

 Total Electron Density at R=0:                                         0.000012

 Guess for atomic kind: C

 Electronic structure
    Total number of core electrons                                          2.00
    Total number of valence electrons                                       4.00
    Total number of electrons                                               6.00
    Multiplicity                                                   not specified
    S   [  2.00] 2.00
    P      2.00

                  Iteration          Convergence                     Energy [au]
                          1         0.00000                      -5.193179266359

 Energy components [Hartree]           Total Energy ::           -5.193179266359
                                        Band Energy ::           -1.089426063362
                                     Kinetic Energy ::            4.338444617531
                                   Potential Energy ::           -9.531623883890
                                      Virial (-V/T) ::            2.197014073978
                                        Core Energy ::           -8.574505764553
                                          XC Energy ::           -1.533265579935
                                     Coulomb Energy ::            4.914592078128
                       Total Pseudopotential Energy ::          -12.939213155833
                       Local Pseudopotential Energy ::          -13.491979661493
                    Nonlocal Pseudopotential Energy ::            0.552766505660
                                        Confinement ::            0.262627737492

 Orbital energies  State     L     Occupation   Energy[a.u.]          Energy[eV]

                       1     0          2.000      -0.418189          -11.379503

                       1     1          2.000      -0.126524           -3.442892

 Total Electron Density at R=0:                                         0.012643

 Guess for atomic kind: N

 Electronic structure
    Total number of core electrons                                          2.00
    Total number of valence electrons                                       5.00
    Total number of electrons                                               7.00
    Multiplicity                                                   not specified
    S   [  2.00] 2.00
    P      3.00

                  Iteration          Convergence                     Energy [au]
                          1         0.00000                      -9.516699812225

 Energy components [Hartree]           Total Energy ::           -9.516699812225
                                        Band Energy ::           -1.575119888772
                                     Kinetic Energy ::            7.570578894892
                                   Potential Energy ::          -17.087278707117
                                      Virial (-V/T) ::            2.257063686193
                                        Core Energy ::          -15.899031892889
                                          XC Energy ::           -2.289347639535
                                     Coulomb Energy ::            8.671679720199
                       Total Pseudopotential Energy ::          -23.501476200035
                       Local Pseudopotential Energy ::          -24.429638778414
                    Nonlocal Pseudopotential Energy ::            0.928162578379
                                        Confinement ::            0.318654122541

 Orbital energies  State     L     Occupation   Energy[a.u.]          Energy[eV]

                       1     0          2.000      -0.570074          -15.512512

                       1     1          3.000      -0.144990           -3.945389

 Total Electron Density at R=0:                                         0.000320

 Guess for atomic kind: H

 Electronic structure
    Total number of core electrons                                          0.00
    Total number of valence electrons                                       1.00
    Total number of electrons                                               1.00
    Multiplicity                                                   not specified
    S      1.00

                  Iteration          Convergence                     Energy [au]
                          1         0.00000                      -0.303680652738

 Energy components [Hartree]           Total Energy ::           -0.303680652738
                                        Band Energy ::           -0.122516337542
                                     Kinetic Energy ::            1.009243604796
                                   Potential Energy ::           -1.312924257534
                                      Virial (-V/T) ::            1.300899258905
                                        Core Energy ::           -0.399779323576
                                          XC Energy ::           -0.355111242836
                                     Coulomb Energy ::            0.451209913674
                       Total Pseudopotential Energy ::           -1.417414563464
                       Local Pseudopotential Energy ::           -1.417414563464
                    Nonlocal Pseudopotential Energy ::            0.000000000000
                                        Confinement ::            0.083916350930

 Orbital energies  State     L     Occupation   Energy[a.u.]          Energy[eV]

                       1     0          1.000      -0.122516           -3.333839

 Total Electron Density at R=0:                                         0.627062

 Spin 1
 Re-scaling the density matrix to get the right number of electrons for spin 1
                  # Electrons              Trace(P)               Scaling factor
                          195               194.500                        1.003

 Spin 2
 Re-scaling the density matrix to get the right number of electrons for spin 2
                  # Electrons              Trace(P)               Scaling factor
                          194               194.500                        0.997


  Step     Update method      Time    Convergence         Total energy    Change
     1 NoMix/Diag. 0.20E+00   55.2     0.60309200      -564.7378395464 -5.65E+02
     2 Broy./Diag. 0.20E+00  304.9     0.25628625      -575.7283022573 -1.10E+01

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