[CP2K-user] [CP2K:18902] ConstuQt

Peter Jarowski p.jarowski at chemalive.com
Wed Jun 7 11:19:51 UTC 2023

ConstruQt - Library-scale Quantum Mechanics as a Frontend Service
Dear Cp2K Community:

We have developed a SaaS for quantum chemistry that relies heavily on 
cp2k's semi-empirical modules and as such we thought to invite the cp2k 
community to our upcoming webinar. The *ConstruQt* 
 frontend would prove useful, even to expert comp. chemists, as it allows 
quick and easy, structure optimization at a library scale from SMILES only 
- think initial guess structure for follow-on computation.

We will be running a series of webinars starting this week to explain the 
best way to use the SaaS to help get you started. Please sign-up here 

[image: Screen Shot 2023-06-05 at 14.14.48]

We hope to see you there. We would also be delighted to set up individual 
meetings to show what ConstruQt can do for you and your team by contacting 
<info at chemalive.com?subject=ChemAlive> us. 
Best regards,
Peter Jarowski, PhD
Co-founder and Director
The ChemAlive Team
info at chemalive.com

 is leading in innovative digital chemistry solutions with focus on physics 
based predictive analytics and the development of new software tools to 
drive chemical discovery.

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