[CP2K-user] [CP2K:19111] Calculation of lennard jonnes interaction parameter

Victor Volkov volkovskr at gmail.com
Fri Jul 14 08:02:39 UTC 2023

Hello, dear Ahsan.
I am not aware if CP2K has a devoted instrumentary.

For such a task,
I would prepare input files for geometries where distance between the two
atoms is systematically varied
to compute potential energies for the geometries using single point

After plotting the potential energies on distances,
if the suggested range of distances allows capturing the repel, the binding
and the dissociation,
I think one would need to write a fitting program for the Lennard-Jones
interaction to account sigma and epslon
in proper units.

Some time ago, I did this using Mathematica.
For point-like structural elements this works.
It becomes more "exciting" if you address interactions of larger systems.

On Fri, Jul 14, 2023 at 6:42 AM shamimul Ahsan <shamimul1234 at gmail.com>

> Dear cp2k users,
> As I am new to cp2k, I want to know is it possible to calculate lennard
> jones interaction parameter (sigma, epslon) for pair of atoms using ab
> initio calculation by cp2k. If possible please suggest me how to proceed.
> With regards
> Shamimul Ahsan
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